@robinbreckenridge: Let’s talk about a great topic, attachment styles! Today I’m just covering the origin of the four attachment styles that I teach my clients (because all of this info could NEVER fit in one video!). Attachment styles: 💥 Anxious attachment: this is someone who’s experienced rejection, abandonment, or neglect from a primary caregiver. 💥 Avoidant attachment: this is someone who did not have proper boundaries with their caregivers and was never able to have autonomy within that relationship. 💥 Ambivalent attachment: this is someone whose primary emotional experience was confusion and they couldn’t trust their primary caregivers. 💥 Secure attachment: someone who felt SAFE in the relationship with their caregivers. Questions? I’m going to talk SO much more about this topic, so please let me know what you’d like to hear! #lifecoach #attachmentstyle #anxiousattachment #anxiousattachmentstyle #ambivalentattachment #secureattachment #avoidantattachment #attachmentstyles