@halfbakedbarelymeasured: Come along with Johnny and I! What a fun two days! Keep eyes out on your local AG extensions for classes/workshops and confrences ! This one was put on by the VA Cooperative Extension and was a fun gathering of a lot of women wanting to learn/expand their know hows in the farming industry! Their were cattle ranchers to worm farmers and it was super fun getting to “network” with kike mided folks! Out of the 100 or so women not too many were interested in Agroforestry, the other two tracks for day 2 were Market Gardening (which is one of my part time jobs) and a farmers Market “items to sell” type class. So Johnny got to walk along on day two for the Agro class. After the 2 day confrence we grabbed a quick dinner from El Charro in Flyod (absolutely delicious) and then popped down the mountain to NC to visit our long time friends and their budding homestead!