@esa.animal.shelte: Esa Animal Shelter: Was approached close to midnight! By Suren. His friend Prabha came across this dog. With a wound this big on the head. Maggot gnawing away. Was stinking very badly. Told him to keep the dog for the night and sent the following morning. He rescued and held on to the dog and brought to Esa at 7.00 am today. Amit had attended to the wound. This dog will receive good medical care. Will get to eat everyday. And live peacefully with dignity now on. Maybe experience love for the first time. Surely formerly a house dog. Probably abandoned. Fine temperament. Zero aggression. He must have suffered immensely. Our straycause needs help. Facing the oncoming week with only $700/-. Need to pay everyday wet grocery. Pay four of the staff salary. Pay rental and utilities. And manage miscellaneous expenditures. We need help!