@vietdailytv: Ammy Minh Khuê cá tính trên thảm đỏ Aquafina Vietnam International Fashion Week - Tuần lễ Thời trang quốc tế Việt Nam 2024 - AVIF #aquafinavietnaminternationalfashionweek #tuanlethoitrang #tuanlethoitrangquoctevietnam #avifw #adecadeoffashion #fashionevolution #ammyminhkhue #minhkhue

VietDaily TV
VietDaily TV
Open In TikTok:
Region: VN
Saturday 15 June 2024 12:27:33 GMT




Bobo :
Đẹp đinnnnnn😳
2024-06-16 03:13:39
anh.linh.3 :
2024-06-17 10:02:49
Mkhôi_mk :
@Ammy Minh Khuê xinh qá đi á, vừa slay vừa xinh đẹp ai chơi lại c ta
2024-06-16 01:56:38
𝐅𝐂 𝐇𝐔̛̃𝐔 𝐕𝐈 ®️ :
Đẹp quá
2024-06-21 16:07:17
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Bajram calls for Nutella Baklava ☺️🤎 what you need ⬇️ - 4 sticks of melted unsalted butter  - nutella (I used the 35.2 oz size jar) - 4 cups of finely chopped walnuts  - phyllo dough (I used the Athens brand & used both packs in the box)  - 1 1/2 cups of water  - 3 cups of sugar  - 1 tbsp vanilla - juice of 1/2 lemon  syrup ⬇️ (1) in a medium pan, add your water, sugar, vanilla extract and lemon (2) bring this to a boil, and then on medium- low heat, let this simmer for 25 minutes until it thickens (3) let it cool, then store in the fridge until your baklava is finished baking how to make ⬇️ (1) preheat your oven to 330 degrees (2) get a 9 x 3 baking pan and start to layer your phyllo sheets (4 layers with butter in between each layer) (3) on your 4th layer, spread some nutella to cover the whole sheet. (I melted the nutella in microwave to make it easier to spread)  (4) add your chopped walnuts on top of the nutella (5) repeat steps 2-4 until you have no more sheets left (6) for your top and final phyllo sheet, make sure to add the rest of your butter & cut in squares/ triangles or diamonds  (7) bake for 45-55 minutes until crispy and golden  (8) pour your syrup over the baklava  (9) drizzle some nutella on top & add chopped walnuts on each piece of baklava  Enjoy! 🤎 #foryou #foryoupage #balkan #balkantiktok #eid #eidmubarak #baklava #bajram #ArabTikTok #albania #plav #montenegro #bosnia #mubarak #nutella #muslimtiktok #desserts #chocolaterecipe #chocolatedessert #desserttiktok @GoodCook @KitchenAid @WÜSTHOF
Bajram calls for Nutella Baklava ☺️🤎 what you need ⬇️ - 4 sticks of melted unsalted butter - nutella (I used the 35.2 oz size jar) - 4 cups of finely chopped walnuts - phyllo dough (I used the Athens brand & used both packs in the box) - 1 1/2 cups of water - 3 cups of sugar - 1 tbsp vanilla - juice of 1/2 lemon syrup ⬇️ (1) in a medium pan, add your water, sugar, vanilla extract and lemon (2) bring this to a boil, and then on medium- low heat, let this simmer for 25 minutes until it thickens (3) let it cool, then store in the fridge until your baklava is finished baking how to make ⬇️ (1) preheat your oven to 330 degrees (2) get a 9 x 3 baking pan and start to layer your phyllo sheets (4 layers with butter in between each layer) (3) on your 4th layer, spread some nutella to cover the whole sheet. (I melted the nutella in microwave to make it easier to spread) (4) add your chopped walnuts on top of the nutella (5) repeat steps 2-4 until you have no more sheets left (6) for your top and final phyllo sheet, make sure to add the rest of your butter & cut in squares/ triangles or diamonds (7) bake for 45-55 minutes until crispy and golden (8) pour your syrup over the baklava (9) drizzle some nutella on top & add chopped walnuts on each piece of baklava Enjoy! 🤎 #foryou #foryoupage #balkan #balkantiktok #eid #eidmubarak #baklava #bajram #ArabTikTok #albania #plav #montenegro #bosnia #mubarak #nutella #muslimtiktok #desserts #chocolaterecipe #chocolatedessert #desserttiktok @GoodCook @KitchenAid @WÜSTHOF
