Really good alternative for not washing your pets often, makes my pup’s fur silky smooth plus I don’t have to worry about her shedding! 😍
2024-06-16 18:24:00
crazy girl version :
I wish the clinic i went to cared. My angel got neutered but they messed up and sent him home and he kept bleeding and bleeding and they tried to hide it because we took him in for the third time
2024-08-15 00:41:10
Meemurlotsamont :
I'm putting down my kitty that looks like the first one today, I love how healthy yours looks and I hope they have a long life 💛
2024-06-19 13:42:15
mell0w :
My cat only lets me brush him if he has a treat at every swipe
2024-06-19 20:56:01
Ryan Laird :
I just ordered mine after seeing the ad for a month, I have 6 cats and can’t wait to see how well it works.
2024-06-16 11:22:46
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