@theshilohfarm: Duck Fact of the Day 🦆 🤝Ducklings talk to each other through the eggshell in the nest so when they hatch they’re already best friends. 💩 Ducks poop almost a hundred times a day and each dropping may contain up to 60 different diseases! 🤿 It’s actually not that uncommon for a duck to die by drowning. Even though they’re amazing swimmers, a single female can be mounted by several male ducks at one time and they often drown her. 👀 They sleep with 1 eye open to keep alert for predators. Whichever eye is open, that side of the brain is awake and the other side is asleep! 🩸Ducks can restrict blood-flow to their feet to prevent frostbite and lost limbs. That’s how they’re able to swim in freezing cold water and stand on ice! #duck #ducks #ducklings #waterfowl #fowl #animal #animals #pet #pets #farmanimals #farm #farming #homestead #fact #facts #funfacts #didyouknow #drake #feather #hen #egg #tip #tips #mallard #cute #education #agriculture #science #pettok #farmtok #homesteadtoktok #PetsOfTikTok #shilohfarm