@onemindorg: 💡 Did you know that the belief in your own sense of autonomy can have a significant impact on your mental health and emotional well-being? 🧠 Research has shown that when we believe the source of control lies with others we're more likely to feel anxious and insecure. Whereas, when we train our brains to foster a sense of control within ourselves, we're more likely to feel a greater sense of confident and optimism. Although we can't always control our external circumstances, more often than not we can control how we choose to view and respond to them. 🌟 Want to build up your #MentalHealthToolkit ? Follow for more videos like this. We'll be sharing more practical tips and tricks on how to rewire your brain for positivity, happiness, resilience, and more! — with @Torri Shack, CEO & Founder of @Tangible Movement #MentalHealth #Tips #Freedom #FreeWill #Control #BrainHealth #Neuroscience #Wellness