@studentlife101: Read Caption: ✨Being tired after school is common, but it’s the students who push through this feeling who get ahead so we must learn to conquer this. Here are some tips below👇 📚Reward yourself ✔️ This hack is based on behaviouralism in psychology. It’s scientifically know that when you reward yourself you will be more motivated so use this to help yourself! Also, who doesn’t love a fun treat👀 📚 Take a nap ✔️ This seems like a basic tip but a lot of people will avoid taking naps and will scroll on their phones for 30 mins and being half asleep while studying. With this, make sure you set a timer! If you know you will press snooze ask someone to wake you up and make sure you stay away after. Once you start doing this you’ll develop a routine so make sure you especially wake up after the nap for the first week. 📚 Meditate ✔️ This is a lesser known hack but I swear it’s a game changer! Try doing this for a week and see how much more you can focus and you can even combine meditating with the other tips in this video. You also don’t need a 30 min yoga session, just enough for you to re-focus which is why I say “5 min yoga.” Follow for more student hacks and comment “love this” if you see this🥰🫶🏼