@abi_fashionandlifestyle: Lifestyle changes not diet👌🏾 and the implementation of healthy weight loss habits🥑 The habits that I continue to do forever not only helped me lose 20kgs but also sustain the weight loss for the last 6-9months Here're exactly how they look like: ✅Daily step goals 2-4x exercising (strength training & LISS ✅Big meals & no more snacking in between ✅No more stress or boredom snacks ✅Fruit or vegetables with every meal ✅High protein, complex carbs, healthy fats with every meal 🥑Always eating closest to nature as possible to avoid eating empty calories that are not satiating & lead to a calorie surplus ✅80/20 rule: my way of eating consists of 80% super nutritious wholesome foods & 20% less nutritious (so I do have that glass of champagne or piece of cake now that I’ve lost the weight but I didn’t before while I was in the weight loss stage)