@dzft0nes: This video was the death of me 😩😩 he has the energy of 2019 againnn (the girl who is dancing with him is Caro, his >>>COUSIN<<< besides, she has a boyfriend so DON'T BE INSINUING that there is something between her and Lorenzo. Caro grew up with Lorenzo and Ludi since she was a child. It's very disrespectful and strange for them to insinuate something, especially Lorenzo who has great respect for his family. so don't comment "fan de su relación" "voy a ser tia" "She stole my man" or disrespectful things like that because this is weird asf. Lorenzo doesn't have Tik Tok but some members of his family do, imagine their reaction seeing these comments? I also ask that when you repost their video, explain that she is his COUSIN, because if you don't explain, they will end up inventing that she is his "girlfriend" and this will end up spreading quickly and some "fans" will start attacking her. #lorenzozurzolo