@travelustph: New Overlooking Cafe in Rizal ☕️🌅 Add this cafe when you visit Tanay ⛰️ I really love the meaning of the Cafe name , it's a Cebuano word ( Another dialect in Philippines ) that means "PADAYON" - meaning to keep on, to continue & not giving up 🌅 Food and drinks were affordable ☕️ The ambiance of the place is super relaxing! I'm just a fan of overlooking place + ofcourse coffee! * ( They have a super pretty staff! ❤️ ) Padayon 📍KM 55 Brgy. Cuyambay, Tanay, Rizal #tanayrizal #coffeeshopinrizal #wheninrizal #overlookingview #coffeeph #tarakape #fyp