@swaddelini: Studies are proving again and again that babies need to experience the startle reflex or the Moro reflex so that they can develop neurological building blocks of coordination, cognitive and behavioral skills. as far as I’ve seen, my product is the only one that actually allows the movement of these reflexes to take place. Many other swaddle and Sleep at Products inhibit these reflexes and that is not necessarily good for your baby. My product is loose around the hips and is impossible to swaddle too tightly because there are no closure systems. Baby has trouble bending their arms in the Swaddelini then it is too small and you can size up. Also has an opening at the bottom so you could have easy access diaper changes. Product is 0.7. TOG a is very breathable design. my product also encourages the supine sleeping position, which has found to be most safe for baby. I know some of you will have a lot more questions around the safety of my product and I invite you to ask me questions! I will respond to them! It’s the most important thing that we need to consider as parents is the safety of our babies. I’ve done my research and I’ve done my testing and I waited one year (for research and testing) before I ever sold one of my products so that I could release it knowing that I had done every test that I possibly could. If you have more questions, ask away! #s#swaddeliniw#whyswaddleb#bestswaddled#due2025s#safesleeps#sleepsack