@st0rkmarketwolf: Sharing a very important skill with my 14 year old. It's so important to teach your kids high income skills so one day they never have to rely on anyone else. The skill of trading you can do on YOUR own terms; no boss, no employees, no order fulfillment, emails, payroll, customer service, etc you got to worry about...all you need is a laptop, WiFi, solid trading strategy and able to manage risk!! For me this is so enjoyable and I'm teaching my son trading, business and life should be fun. Just the facts we were alive for another day is a blessing.. ENJOY IT!! Enjoy your life and time on this earth. People get their panties in a bunch about everything these days and take things so serious. Smile, live, and laugh. Btw we ended up hitting $2K on one contracts hahaha. He has an express account he's up $4K in it now! #stocks #stockmarket #stock #stockoptions #stocktrading #stocktips #stocktrader #daytrader #optiontrader #equitytrader #trader #trading #optionstrading #invest #investing #stockinvesting #stockinvestor #forex #crypto #tradingsetup #tradingstrategy #tradingsignals #tradinglifestyle #explore #options #laptop #laptoplifestyle #freedom #money #financialfreedom

Andrew Diaz
Andrew Diaz
Open In TikTok:
Region: NG
Friday 28 June 2024 21:32:42 GMT




Sarah Graham :
Awesome work Look at the smile on his face 🥰
2024-07-03 17:53:21
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