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Region: BG
Wednesday 03 July 2024 09:44:52 GMT




Maeva Schwar :
2024-07-04 18:28:01
MadalinaZZ :
2024-07-03 09:56:37
❤️✨️Angela✨️ ❤️ :
Ese es el castigo que merezco! 😂😂😂😂😂
2024-07-04 22:25:14
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How to have a CONFLICT-FREE conversation: 1. Acknowledge the Positive: Start the conversation by acknowledging what’s working well in that specific situation. This shows that you understand and appreciate the other person's suggestion or desire (this can motivate them to continue contributing positively). 2. Share Concerns Respectfully: Instead of outright dismissal, openly share your concerns in a way that isn’t judgmental and doesn’t place blame. Remember, it’s about the situation, NOT the person. 3. Invite Collaboration: End with an open question. Doing so emphasizes that this is a joint issue that requires a joint solution. It shows that you’re not just issuing a complaint, but are genuinely interested in finding a solution that works for both of you. Here’s a different example: Let’s say one partner feels like they’re doing most of the household chores and so they confront their partner:
How to have a CONFLICT-FREE conversation: 1. Acknowledge the Positive: Start the conversation by acknowledging what’s working well in that specific situation. This shows that you understand and appreciate the other person's suggestion or desire (this can motivate them to continue contributing positively). 2. Share Concerns Respectfully: Instead of outright dismissal, openly share your concerns in a way that isn’t judgmental and doesn’t place blame. Remember, it’s about the situation, NOT the person. 3. Invite Collaboration: End with an open question. Doing so emphasizes that this is a joint issue that requires a joint solution. It shows that you’re not just issuing a complaint, but are genuinely interested in finding a solution that works for both of you. Here’s a different example: Let’s say one partner feels like they’re doing most of the household chores and so they confront their partner: "Why are you sitting down?! This place is a wreck! I'm always left to do everything!" How should the other partner respond? “I don’t want you to feel left on your own to do everything, I want to clean this place up too.” - Acknowledging the positive. ”I’m exhausted and just need 20min to relax, then I’d be happy to jump in and clean the kitchen.” - Sharing concerns respectfully. ”Does that feel okay with you?” - Inviting collaboration. The other might protest: “No! You’ll sit there on your phone for an hour and then we’ll both be tired and I’ll just want to go to bed. Then nothing gets cleaned and I wake up, you’re gone at work, and I have to clean everything!” Use the steps again: “I don’t want you to have to do everything tomorrow. That makes sense, that has happened in the past.” - Acknowledging the positive. ”I just don’t wanna spend the entire evening cleaning. It’s been a hard day.” - Sharing concerns respectfully. ”How about I do the kitchen now? Then we can take on the rest of the house together this weekend. Is that okay?” - Inviting collaboration. Repeat these steps until both parties are in full agreement. Share this so that others can learn too! #effectivecommunication #communicationskills #conflictresolution #relationshipadvice
