When people say “but they are your parents” how can you cut them off and never really stop to flip the script and think “but they are your kids” how could they treat you that way.
2024-07-03 13:27:35
Bianca :
Narcissistic traits, learning you can never be understood. Parent narcissism is painful.
2024-07-03 13:35:44
vicky :
years of little things that build up
2024-07-03 12:42:10
Eliza_🖤 :
It was me finally moving away from home and realising not everyone’s parents behave that way.
2024-07-03 12:49:01
Summer Grace :
For me it was the big ones I let slide but then eventually the little things made me snap
2024-07-03 13:23:44
Lush :
What’s weirder is being in that situation but your siblings have a relationship with him. Siblings can have different dads even if he’s the same man.
2024-07-04 12:18:33
bka x :
😩 There’s been some issues that have nothing to do with my mum or I. She’s chosen her sister over us, left my younger brother to basically fend for himself. Had no contact with me or asked about my
2024-07-03 16:33:29
username173636274 :
My mum started physically and verbally abusing me since i was 6.. she last hit me when i was 25 and i walked out.. i am 36 now and have not spoken to her since i left her.. 11 yrs..
2024-07-05 22:01:56
user5176464424391 :
My dad has only ever cared about how we look as a family on the outside and never cared about how I feel on the inside. He chooses his wife over me every. Single. Time. And after years of
2024-07-03 22:10:04
Sarah Mac :
I had grade 3 ovarian cancer. My mother told my entire family “I wasn’t really sick. It wasn’t as bad as I was making it out to be”. I cut ties when I was emotional strong enough.
2024-07-17 23:16:33
Elena Anelis :
(1)My mom and my dad divorced when I was 13 I think. Me and my sister stayed it’s our mom. He was fighting in court to have weekends and summer holidays and stuff. That whole thing lasted for a minute
2024-07-24 12:13:27
Petit Cuddle Co :
Years & years of things that would be made out to be small things - mom not talking to me when I'm having a fight with my eldest sister, not listening to my side ever, controlling, telling me to......
2024-07-07 08:18:53
Torii :
Girl this is beyond relatable. My parents and I stopped talking June or July of 2022. I ended up pregnant and my water broke at only 23 weeks ON MY MOMS bday. So I took that as a sign to reach out
2024-07-05 14:42:33
Mj :
Since my parents split up as a young child,he got with a woman who treated me very badly.Ive seen him on&off4years.The things I take from it tho is I picked a man,a husband&father 2Rkids with caution
2024-07-05 23:15:49
Alyssa Riphon :
I learned a lot about the people in my life when I went no contact with my dad, who also has his version. I kept the people in my life who supported, not questioned, my decision.
2024-07-09 13:33:25
MY :
When I moved the 2nd time to another country and the only reason they would call was to ask for money and never asked how I was or anything else. Just I need money for this and that(+ all the years
2024-08-31 07:02:05
Emma Nicole 🍉🍉 :
There's actually a grieving process that children who grew up in abusive households will go through when they process those emotions and realize what you may need to do
2024-07-10 17:54:27
Jo_From_Romford :
I havent had a relationship with my mum since 2006, she has missed out on being a grandmother, she is the definition of a narcissist, and now she is dying, but she doesn’t want to make amends
2024-07-07 21:35:25
Erin Mitchell :
a few bigger events but lots and lots of small ones over the years from when i developed opinions of my own. he loves me but he doesn’t like or respect me or most of my choices
2024-07-06 12:00:43
Emma | Seaglass Illustration :
years and years of little things. generally not giving a hell about me. not listening when I tried to communicate how hurt I've been. chronic unreliablility, bad priorities, favouritism.
2024-07-30 07:07:21
Aliina :
My ptsd from his abuse caught up with me. I slowly realised he will never change after giving him all the chances. And I asked my little bro if he was ready for the fallout of me breaking contact.
2024-07-04 03:05:33
Katiemay92 :
Lots and lots of things over years and years of childhood, final cherry on top was my mum refusing to look after my daughter while I was in labour because she had a hair appointment my baby nearly died and it’s been 2 years and iv never seen her since
2024-07-03 12:49:37
Ali Davies :
Nothing I ever do will ever be good enough. He would react in such a volatile way and then ignore me, not speak to me for months at a time, then eventually start speaking to me again, never an apology
2024-07-20 08:13:47
Cara Leigh 🐾 :
Your friends story could literally be mine so I relate to her 100% I realised having them in my life just had me getting hurt (emotionally) over and over again. And I couldn’t do it anymore…
2024-07-20 01:46:10
Love my dogs :
I had my children and after one particular visit with my mother I went home and was ashamed at how I felt like I was fighting for her attention alongside my children. That’s when I decided that I
2024-07-17 05:38:14
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