Leave by rule + required OMW text, assuming parent knows where teen was & how long it should take to get home = knowing when to start worry worrying
2024-07-03 20:01:58
Ashley 😛✌🏽️ :
Once of legal drinking age, I believe a "don't leave" rule is needed as well
2024-07-03 15:15:25
Syd K :
My parents had curfew and that’s how I found out my cars top speed is 125 mph. I’m definitely going to do a leave by curfew with my kiddos!
2024-07-12 08:28:21
Queenyy :
When I was a teen as long as my parents knew where I was and who I was with I didn’t have a curfew. Build that trust. I plan to do the same with my kids.
2024-07-03 17:23:37
hannahdove37 :
parents gave us a curfew growing up, but it had about 20 mins of wiggle room in case of traffic/trains/needing to drive someone else home. as long as we communicated we were fine
2024-07-04 16:31:37
AuroraRora :
erm no because jobs don't have a leave by time they have a clock in by time. Drs appointments aren't leave by time, they are arrive at this time
2024-07-03 19:55:01
aims :
I never had a curfew, Mum just wanted to know where I would be & when she should start to worry/ call the police. My friends who had curfews used to lie & pretend to be at a sleepover or something.
2024-07-04 06:00:49
Kathleen Bass :
I love this. I’ve set this for my son (he’s 18). His 17 yo fiancé just got grounded by her mom for a yr bc I was the driver who got her home too late. I felt awful!! 😭
2024-07-04 06:32:36
mud-dee1 :
I got distracted by the cutie puttie what they name aww I love pug
2024-07-03 15:01:51
isabelle.parry :
I remember as a teenager being stuck at a light and my dad blowing up my phone for being late (I wasn’t even late yet he just assumed I was going to be)
2024-07-03 23:26:07
@CaptainBAB2088 :
Meanwhile, 16 year old drove home during an active tornado warning because I HAD to be home by 10pm. Boyfriend's mom even called to say she wasn't comfortable with me leaving. Didn't matter.
2024-07-16 22:29:51
Charli :
As a former Dispatcher, we had too many "have to be home by" that turned into "never made it home". Definitely changes your curfew mindset.
2024-07-04 06:36:10
Eric Gibb's :
if I walked in the door at 9:01 I was grounded for a week 😂
2024-07-03 15:16:37
Sarah :
For me it's "be home around 10pm" kinda curfew. As well as a "on my way home" text.
2024-07-03 22:01:09
Charlie Mulligan :
My mum used reverse psychology on us when it came to curfews. If we wanted to do something and be out late we'd ask her. Instead of telling us a time to be home, she would ask us
2024-07-04 17:07:54
xtina910 💜 on Twitch :
The fastest I’ve ever driven in my life was to get home in time for a curfew. This is absolutely safer.
2024-07-03 19:59:41
Danyel Harris :
Instead of a curfew we implemented the opposite. we expected kids to be up by 8 AM or earlier each morning. They got to choose what time they needed to get home in order to get the sleep they wanted.
2024-07-06 00:47:25
j.no.elle :
glad my parents were chill. It was always “try to be home by #” and I’d just text if I was running late… they’d usually be asleep and not see it 😂
2024-07-04 04:23:19
klapmar :
What if they lie about the time they leave? If they are 15 minutes away but only get home 30 minutes later, they obviously didn’t leave at the “leave by time”
2024-07-04 01:40:33
Kat 🖤 :
My mom did this! She would text me “time to wrap it up and come home” and that way i wasn’t rushing and unsafe driving
2024-07-04 04:28:04
PokeMasterPo :
I think the worry is that they wouldn't leave anyway and say "Well normally it takes 30 minutes to get home if I drive carefully but if I speed, I can get there in 20 so I can wait another 10 minutes"
2024-07-03 19:38:42
Ginger🎉 :
My mom did that if I was a minute late I get yelled at and grounded
2024-07-03 15:05:29
asterdare :
Once, I walked in at 10:59 - got yelled at for not being home by 10:55, even though curfew was 11. I was told I need to be home BEFORE curfew, not on the dot… even though I was still home a minute b
2024-07-04 04:02:40
Tarah 🪼 :
I love your videos
2024-07-03 14:56:36
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