@coach.bluee: Treat your working self as a “Peasant” You cannot have pity for the version of you that is actually doing the dirty work. The work that feels uncomfortable. Think about it. Given that you have the “Time”… What is the reason that you stop at 5 miles when the goal was 10 miles. Because you feel bad for yourself. That voice in your head starts telling you that it’s ok to stop now. You’ve done enough. You are tired. What I found that helps is to literally view your working self as your peasant. That one who gets the job done. And the goal is to not feel bad for that MF. You will take care of him for the remaining hours of the day anyways. Have no emotion towards your peasant. Let him work. #militarymuscle #workoutmotivation #fitnessmotivation #work #hardwork #workhorse #workethic #peasant #slave #keepgoing #dontquit