@nala_the_needy_rottie: together forever!! #rottweiler

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Region: GB
Tuesday 09 July 2024 13:41:23 GMT




Evie frye :
Should I get a rottweiler 🙏😭
2024-07-09 13:48:14
Serena :
her jumps are everything 🥺🥺🥺
2024-07-09 13:47:03
munyum :
ok but how did he jump so high 🧍🏻‍♀️
2024-07-09 22:48:49
⚚ :
la felicidad del perrito al saltar 😭😭❤️
2024-07-10 15:38:53
kayy ❀ :
2024-07-09 17:49:08
ʝσƈҽʅყɳ :
My Rottweiler died🧍🏽‍♀️
2024-07-09 19:06:12
Florii :
son iguales
2024-07-10 16:21:59
Avery :
I have a Rottweiler and he just turned 8 he’s so cute 😭
2024-07-13 14:41:21
. :
pensé que sería triste, QUE BELLO😭😭😭
2024-07-10 18:27:33
♡ven♡ :
2024-07-13 13:04:57
🤍 :
That is so adorable.
2024-07-09 17:51:28
Solchu :
2024-07-10 16:22:21
ꨄ︎𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐳ꨄ︎ :
I can't this is to cuteeeee he seems so happy 💞🥹
2024-07-10 19:53:39
Jakub :
my dog goes to sleep for a very long time :/
2024-07-11 12:08:09
I had a Rottweiler but she passed 🙏😔
2024-08-06 03:17:34
rylee <3 :
i want a rottweiler so bad
2024-07-20 17:21:30
Poging Dinosaur :
Guys which one should I get a cat or a dog?
2024-07-24 03:37:28
ppgobbler12 :
“No your being put down”
2024-07-11 14:20:50
ss.sophixx :
My rotwiller died😭😭
2024-07-27 10:29:12
𝓨. :
Omg, i taught you where doing the trend, and he stays. YAYYYY🥰😇
2024-07-09 13:55:46
𝒞𝒽𝓁ℴℯ🤍 :
he’s so cute I wanna get one so bad
2024-07-13 18:05:47
гренка🤓 :
2024-07-10 17:11:34
blu :
i have a rottweiler teddy which ive had since i remember, taken him everywhere and every time i go abroad he is with me, its pretty silly but he has always been such comfort and i cant wait-
2024-07-10 20:18:44
🧌 :
2024-07-10 00:50:56
To see more videos from user @nala_the_needy_rottie, please go to the Tikwm homepage.

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Tifale 3in1 Organic Creamly Cookware Marble Coated Anti lengket Handle Bakelite Silicone Anti Leleh Avocado Pan Size :  Sauce Pan + tutup kaca 18cm Frypan 22cm  Wokpan 24cm  Deskripsi Produk : -Teknologi antibakteri inframerah organik Dengan teknologi antibakteri inframerah organik 99,9% yaitu pemasangan lapisan keramik antibakteri dengan Menggunakan sinar infra merah yang sangat kuat untuk membunuh bakteri, menjadikan PAN lebih sehat dan aman bagi lingkungan, dan dengan injeksi lelehan mikrokristal nanokristal, PAN ditekan pada suhu yang lebih rendah Tekanan tinggi dan kekuatan ekstrim 3500 ton membuat pori-pori granit alam menjadi Lebih kecil lagi molekul minyak atau air yang tidak cepat menyerap dapat merusak lapisan pelepasan Di dalam wajan, makanan tidak berubah rasa dan warnanya, tidak berasap dan juga kental, tidak lengket. -Kompatibel dengan semua jenis kompor Seri Organic Cream kompatibel dengan berbagai sistem pemanas seperti kaca-keramik, induksi, dan gas. Teknologi Bagian bawah induksi memastikan pemanasan yang cepat dan seragam di seluruh permukaan, membuat proses memasak lebih cepat -Mudah untuk dibersihkan Lapisan anti lengket luar dan dalam mudah dibersihkan hanya dengan sekali usap  Pegangan yang nyaman Pegangan terbuat dari bahan Bakelite dengan motif kayu tahan panas, nyaman dan kokoh di tangan, tidak licin dan dapat dicampur. Terdapat juga lubang untuk menggantung panci pada saat penyimpanan.  -PENUTUP KACA ANTI SLIP Tutup kaca terbuat dari bahan Bakelite, tahan panas, anti slip dan meleleh. #tifale #organicgreenlycookware #organiccreamlycookware
Tifale 3in1 Organic Creamly Cookware Marble Coated Anti lengket Handle Bakelite Silicone Anti Leleh Avocado Pan Size : Sauce Pan + tutup kaca 18cm Frypan 22cm Wokpan 24cm Deskripsi Produk : -Teknologi antibakteri inframerah organik Dengan teknologi antibakteri inframerah organik 99,9% yaitu pemasangan lapisan keramik antibakteri dengan Menggunakan sinar infra merah yang sangat kuat untuk membunuh bakteri, menjadikan PAN lebih sehat dan aman bagi lingkungan, dan dengan injeksi lelehan mikrokristal nanokristal, PAN ditekan pada suhu yang lebih rendah Tekanan tinggi dan kekuatan ekstrim 3500 ton membuat pori-pori granit alam menjadi Lebih kecil lagi molekul minyak atau air yang tidak cepat menyerap dapat merusak lapisan pelepasan Di dalam wajan, makanan tidak berubah rasa dan warnanya, tidak berasap dan juga kental, tidak lengket. -Kompatibel dengan semua jenis kompor Seri Organic Cream kompatibel dengan berbagai sistem pemanas seperti kaca-keramik, induksi, dan gas. Teknologi Bagian bawah induksi memastikan pemanasan yang cepat dan seragam di seluruh permukaan, membuat proses memasak lebih cepat -Mudah untuk dibersihkan Lapisan anti lengket luar dan dalam mudah dibersihkan hanya dengan sekali usap Pegangan yang nyaman Pegangan terbuat dari bahan Bakelite dengan motif kayu tahan panas, nyaman dan kokoh di tangan, tidak licin dan dapat dicampur. Terdapat juga lubang untuk menggantung panci pada saat penyimpanan. -PENUTUP KACA ANTI SLIP Tutup kaca terbuat dari bahan Bakelite, tahan panas, anti slip dan meleleh. #tifale #organicgreenlycookware #organiccreamlycookware
“Ghosting” isn’t just a dating phenomenon: It has grown more common at the workplace, too. And that unreliable behavior risks reputational harm to employers and job seekers.  The concept of ghosting — abruptly and unexpectedly ceasing communication with someone (i.e., disappearing) — arose around the mid-2010s as social media and dating apps gained prominence. Merriam-Webster added this new-age definition of “ghost” to the dictionary in 2017. 👻 The practice has become common among both job applicants and employers during the hiring process. About 78% of job seekers said they’d ghosted a prospective employer, according to a December report from the job site Indeed, based on a poll conducted in spring 2023. That’s up from the prior year, when 68% said they’d gone AWOL during the hiring process sometime over their career.🧑🏾‍💻 Roughly 62% of job seekers said they plan to ghost during future job searches, up from 56% in 2022 and 37% in 2019, Indeed found. 📈 But it’s not just applicants who disappear: 40% of job seekers said an employer had ghosted them after a second- or third-round interview, up from 30% in 2022. The data suggests ghosting is “still trending upward” and isn’t a “passing fad,” according to the Indeed report. 📊 Why job ghosting is becoming more common? Two-thirds — 66% — of workers have “ghosted” employers by accepting a job offer and then retracting it or disappearing, before their start date, according to a 2019 poll by Randstad. 💸 Additionally, 35% of workers said they’d been ghosted by employers during the interview process, according to the Thriving Center of Psychology. The problem has morphed into a feedback loop. ♾️ “You’ve got job seekers feeling employers are getting worse at ghosting,” Carrens said. “Many are taking the approach that if employers consider it normal etiquette, then they will also engage in that behavior. It’s almost a circular problem.” However, ghosting carries risks for both parties via potential reputational damage, experts said. “As a coach, I’d never recommend that a job seeker ghost an employer,” Carrens said. Those who do may be “red flagged” by the employer and lose access to a future job opportunity, for example, he said. 🚩 Employers may feel ghosting gets them a short-term win by cutting time during the hiring process, but it also hurts their brands in the long run, especially if job seekers speak out about their negative experience online.” Source CNBC https://www.cnbc.com #ghosting #ghosted #jobinterview #howtofindajob #corporatetiktok #hrtips #etiquette #dating #jobsearch
“Ghosting” isn’t just a dating phenomenon: It has grown more common at the workplace, too. And that unreliable behavior risks reputational harm to employers and job seekers. The concept of ghosting — abruptly and unexpectedly ceasing communication with someone (i.e., disappearing) — arose around the mid-2010s as social media and dating apps gained prominence. Merriam-Webster added this new-age definition of “ghost” to the dictionary in 2017. 👻 The practice has become common among both job applicants and employers during the hiring process. About 78% of job seekers said they’d ghosted a prospective employer, according to a December report from the job site Indeed, based on a poll conducted in spring 2023. That’s up from the prior year, when 68% said they’d gone AWOL during the hiring process sometime over their career.🧑🏾‍💻 Roughly 62% of job seekers said they plan to ghost during future job searches, up from 56% in 2022 and 37% in 2019, Indeed found. 📈 But it’s not just applicants who disappear: 40% of job seekers said an employer had ghosted them after a second- or third-round interview, up from 30% in 2022. The data suggests ghosting is “still trending upward” and isn’t a “passing fad,” according to the Indeed report. 📊 Why job ghosting is becoming more common? Two-thirds — 66% — of workers have “ghosted” employers by accepting a job offer and then retracting it or disappearing, before their start date, according to a 2019 poll by Randstad. 💸 Additionally, 35% of workers said they’d been ghosted by employers during the interview process, according to the Thriving Center of Psychology. The problem has morphed into a feedback loop. ♾️ “You’ve got job seekers feeling employers are getting worse at ghosting,” Carrens said. “Many are taking the approach that if employers consider it normal etiquette, then they will also engage in that behavior. It’s almost a circular problem.” However, ghosting carries risks for both parties via potential reputational damage, experts said. “As a coach, I’d never recommend that a job seeker ghost an employer,” Carrens said. Those who do may be “red flagged” by the employer and lose access to a future job opportunity, for example, he said. 🚩 Employers may feel ghosting gets them a short-term win by cutting time during the hiring process, but it also hurts their brands in the long run, especially if job seekers speak out about their negative experience online.” Source CNBC https://www.cnbc.com #ghosting #ghosted #jobinterview #howtofindajob #corporatetiktok #hrtips #etiquette #dating #jobsearch
