@guinnessworldrecords: Longest ears on a person (female) 👂 an average size of 9.58 cm (3.77 in) by Rumeysa Gelgi 🇹🇷 The world’s tallest woman Rumeysa Gelgi is celebrating her 10th anniversary as a record holder by adding two new titles to her long list of achievements. Rumeysa, from Türkiye, first entered the record books in 2014. It was exactly 10 years ago this week that we unveiled her to the world as the tallest female teenager. A decade later, the 27-year-old, whose record-breaking height is caused by a very rare condition called Weaver syndrome, has just claimed her seventh and eighth record title, being recognized as the longest female baby and as having the longest ears on a female. Click the link in our bio for the full story 👀