@fox26houston: Over 2 million were left in the dark following the recent storm. CenterPoint Energy reports that crews are working to restore power. But, expect a multi-day effort to bring power back to all impacted areas. Is your home still affected by the outage? Let us know, and stay tuned for updates. 🏠💡 #centerpoint #houston #fox26houston
🤔 OK if I’m required by law to have auto insurance and through my lender for home insurance, why aren’t these fortune 500 companies required to have insurance as well
2024-07-10 03:56:09
Hailey Foster :
My house is 100 and I have two babies
2024-07-10 13:31:45
Juhroamkworlz :
Perspective is everything. I know it’s tough but people just need to be patient and make the best of the circumstances. It’s easy to ridicule from the sideline when you’re not on the field.
2024-07-10 05:01:58
mark201260 :
it frustrating to me and my family, I'm sleeping in a hot house as well working 16hr for CenterPoint. believe me the lineman and support groups are working as much as possible to go power back on
2024-07-10 14:51:27
Ruben :
Man fk 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
2024-07-10 22:22:19
Andy :
They’re not prepared. Also their maps suck.
2024-07-11 15:57:42
user7819309750672 :
This is ridiculous! it seems like there's always something. Power outages every month over winds. Centerpoint should be better prepared by now. I'm frustrated, it's day 3 and I'm in a house that feels like an oven.
2024-07-10 19:19:19
💙 :
I can’t take one more night! None of us can 😭 77066
2024-07-10 06:11:21
Miracle allanband :
2025-01-29 02:49:55
LeaveStains :
Centerpoint is trash.
2024-07-10 03:42:05
Jules :
CenterPoint has record profits with no investment in infrastructure and emergency preparedness. This is wrong. Do better CenterPoint.
2024-07-10 01:47:23
VintageVelvet :
my house is over 95 degrees. PLEASE
2024-07-10 13:33:29
onlyfalcone :
man hurry the fuck up
2024-07-10 05:43:16
Ivonne Amaya :
Lol at everyone being pissed bc we hot and sweaty, but come voting time everyone's either not voting or voting wrong 😅
2024-07-10 03:16:05
HTX Diva :
4th largest city was not prepared for a Cat 1 state, local and national government are ridiculous!! Can you imagine a Cat 2! No gas , some no water , 2 mm no power now boil water notices for some smh
2024-07-10 01:16:15
✨ Zylah Deneese ✨ :
What y’all gonna do about my fucking food !!! You rich ass hoes give me $260 to replace all of my shit tf
2024-07-10 02:54:52
Becky Brown :
My assessment reveals that I’m tired of having swamp ass and sleeping in my car in the driveway.
2024-07-10 02:49:23
Yall they prioritizing the rich subdivisions. My uncle lives in a nice sub in humble and they have power but my other family don’t that live in lower COL areas.
2024-07-10 08:33:51
Susan Schrier :
His stumbling through his words is enough for me. They weren’t prepared. They didn’t plan. Peridot.
2024-07-10 02:53:29
user6433780274051 :
1 mill. 2 mill. who's numbers are they try 3x more last time my power was out for 6 days and I wants even on the map for outage was told by center point that there was another list that no one knows
2024-07-10 03:50:40
DemonOfCybertron26 :
Upgrade the fucking infrastructure! You MF's don't work on it at all, not even when it's not hurricane season. You should be working on it and prepare for the next season but no one does shit.
2024-07-10 11:44:18
Felíx Gallardó :
Cat1 bruhhh. Not 3 not 4 not 5 . And we can’t handle a Cat1????
2024-07-10 02:37:37
Renee B :
Funny never lost power during Harvey nor the big freeze. Cat 1 comes thru and we’re going on hour 40 without power. 🤦🏻♀️
2024-07-10 02:52:18
Liv Frank :
85 degrees… We in Texas homie.
2024-07-10 22:44:01
sunjakey ⌕ :
nah bru they want us dead💀
2024-07-10 00:49:47
S.G :
And it was just a category 1 hurricane, imagine a cat 5. This is not supposed to be first world?
2024-07-10 02:10:36
user8190381254300 :
Who the fuck is this guy 💀 like fire him clearly doesn’t give a fuck and doesn’t understand that it’s 100 something degrees out
2024-07-10 11:44:24
AlletteB :
But, you were at 1.7 at the end of day 1, Day 2 is 1.5… that slow. Hope you can get at least 1/2 up today or a third/ 500k
2024-07-10 15:31:25
Aalex2001 :
Let’s forget about this assessment phase and get these lights back on
2024-07-10 00:56:10
ecq33 :
The defensiveness is unnecessary. More transparency is needed including bringing back the zip code tracker. We don’t need explanation we need INFORMATION.
2024-07-10 02:02:08
CityGirlSTAY 🆘️🇺🇲 :
so what about me getting my power back, then CENTERPOINT turning it OFF again saying "brief interruption of service" and now texting me saying prepare for days without power!! WHAT ARE Y'ALL DOING????
2024-07-10 19:43:56
great1318 :
So how being off the U.S grid working Tx.? Where Cruz and Wheels at? 🤔
2024-07-10 00:54:13
Coconut :
Our infrastructure is fucked across the usa
2024-07-10 03:25:14
DeeLilah 💜 :
it won't be tomorrow? then why TF did you send a message saying it would be restored end of day July 10th???
2024-07-10 03:23:04
ericmartinez5077 :
His big ass head probably has A.C… he don’t give a fuuuuuwwwk lol
2024-07-10 02:29:13
Alkali Kills :
this guy saying it took 4.5 days forb a mil but it was reported it was almost exactly 1 mil and I was with no power for 6.5 days lying his ass off in live tv to look good
2024-07-10 05:17:57
PuggsNotDrugs 1399 :
I say we all sue centerpoint energy, Abbott, and Ted Cruz
2024-07-10 04:16:38
Athame :
Ok Harris county is fixed - now fix the outer areas. Fort bend here, and my power flickered for a second and haven’t seen it on since. It’s fucked up.
2024-07-10 03:43:24
Josh L :
How the fuck are they still assessing
2024-07-10 14:21:08
🏴☠️PatstangHTX🏴☠️ :
try 95 degrees 💯
2024-07-10 00:46:56
All things balm and oil :
It gets worse every year. They don’t give a crap about us. Just our money. I’ve seen 1 truck within miles of me
2024-07-10 08:13:34
I think my annoyance is that we are known for hurricanes- my area flickers lights with 1mph winds - we all pay our bills - you figured after yrs they’d be better at preventing by now..
2024-07-10 12:48:15
Lydia Diaz :
Can yall hurry up and
2024-07-10 03:11:06
nayojimenezjejeuw :
ERCOT begin reactive instead of being proactive.
2024-07-10 15:38:11
txladybug1 :
THANK YOU for all your hard work. Your hard work is appreciated. I was without power for 40 hours but, I got through it. WE will all get through it.
2024-07-10 06:46:21
Rob Rams :
This is why you should vote. Obviously Centerpoint didn't learn from June wait I mean May. Wasn't even important to him. 4th largest economy......spend in infrastructure like you're the 4th largest!
2024-07-10 04:43:39
Hondo :
Live in the woodlands, still no power
2024-07-10 23:14:38
Olivia :
You should have been more prepared
2024-07-10 02:15:29
Brian Sharma :
I feel for ya’ll Houstonians. Having no electricity for days in the middle of Texas heat is brutal. Ya’ll some tuff mf’s. Hang in there!🙂
2024-07-10 09:16:37
Sen :
So yall can’t handle a Category 1 hurricane? In May 2024 it was a disaster with no warning. This time yall had TIME and didn’t do anything to prepare?
2024-07-10 03:40:21
Klove :
This has been years you guys have the same answers, we are the 4th largest city and have a crappy grid
2024-07-10 15:32:37
Alejandro Castaneda :
Well maybe invest in the grid, make sure we're weather ready, ensure staffing is adequate for hurricane season, and fox the grid.
2024-07-10 03:08:58
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