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Saturday 13 July 2024 14:26:38 GMT




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2024-07-14 12:46:17
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2024-07-13 18:14:45
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2024-07-13 16:56:21
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2024-07-13 16:56:09
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This past week has been full of many new projects and opportunities (and doctors appointments). AND I started working! It was a great week, I am so excited for what is to come- however, I am just getting back to my new ‘baseline’ after spending the last 2 1/2- 3 months in one of the worst IH flares I’ve ever experienced. Today is a slower day, the obligations from me are completed (yay)! There are 2 choices that I could choose today.  1. Try to do a bunch of other things I haven’t been able to do this week from being so busy & push my limits                                            OR  2. Slow down, take a break from the “obligations” and do something I enjoy, brings me happiness, and is meaningful to me  It is incredibly hard to not immediately choose option #1. It’s something I’ve always found myself doing after finally getting a break from what needs to be done. However, I have been actively working to improve my ability to care for my mental health. All throughout schooling, doing the things that brought me joy and were meaningful to me tended to take a back seat. I didn’t prioritize taking a break to do them because I felt like I NEEDED to do some of the things I hadn’t done because I was so busy working on a project, doing homework, spending countless hours studying. That affected my mental health. I wasn’t participating in things outside of my education that nurtured and balanced my mental health.  It has been a goal of mine to break that cycle. It is OK to slow down when you finally get a break. It is OK to do the wants instead of the needs sometimes. There is nothing pressing that HAS to be done today. Even though my brain is telling me to go do this and that, I know I would push myself far past my limits for today. Which then would limit my capacity to do much tomorrow & the next day & the next day (truly the domino effect).  Our mental health matters. Living with a chronic sleep disorder is tough. Not just on our physical health but especially on our mental health. So, I’m off to work on this puzzle that has been sitting and waiting for me since December. I’m taking care of myself. I hope you do too♥️
This past week has been full of many new projects and opportunities (and doctors appointments). AND I started working! It was a great week, I am so excited for what is to come- however, I am just getting back to my new ‘baseline’ after spending the last 2 1/2- 3 months in one of the worst IH flares I’ve ever experienced. Today is a slower day, the obligations from me are completed (yay)! There are 2 choices that I could choose today. 1. Try to do a bunch of other things I haven’t been able to do this week from being so busy & push my limits OR 2. Slow down, take a break from the “obligations” and do something I enjoy, brings me happiness, and is meaningful to me It is incredibly hard to not immediately choose option #1. It’s something I’ve always found myself doing after finally getting a break from what needs to be done. However, I have been actively working to improve my ability to care for my mental health. All throughout schooling, doing the things that brought me joy and were meaningful to me tended to take a back seat. I didn’t prioritize taking a break to do them because I felt like I NEEDED to do some of the things I hadn’t done because I was so busy working on a project, doing homework, spending countless hours studying. That affected my mental health. I wasn’t participating in things outside of my education that nurtured and balanced my mental health. It has been a goal of mine to break that cycle. It is OK to slow down when you finally get a break. It is OK to do the wants instead of the needs sometimes. There is nothing pressing that HAS to be done today. Even though my brain is telling me to go do this and that, I know I would push myself far past my limits for today. Which then would limit my capacity to do much tomorrow & the next day & the next day (truly the domino effect). Our mental health matters. Living with a chronic sleep disorder is tough. Not just on our physical health but especially on our mental health. So, I’m off to work on this puzzle that has been sitting and waiting for me since December. I’m taking care of myself. I hope you do too♥️
