@lakeandlumber: Has fall weather hit your area of the country yet? We had the most beautiful fall weekend here in Ohio! We caught up with friends around the fire, worked in the yard, and today I even carved a pumpkin! Check out the “new to me” method I used and the newest tool in my collection from Pro tip: after carving with this method you can spray the pumpkin with clear spray paint so it won’t go bad before Halloween! #hgtvhome #hgtvmagazine #howihome #howihaven #smmakelifebeautiful #bhghome #thatdecorlife #ourweeklydesigncrush #bhgstylemaker #realhomesofinstagram #interiorlovers #moderntransitional #cljsquad #makehomeyours #finditstyleit #sodomino #homedecorating #homeinspo #inspiremehomedecor #housegoals #interiordecorating #falldecor #fallporchdecor #outdoorinspo #ryobination