@sincerelykaitblog: A little get to know me! ✨ ✨Above all I am a follower of Christ and continue to grow in my relationship with him. I have grown stronger and stronger in my faith especially after losing my little brother last January 🤍 ✨I am married to my best friend (who is a LEO) for 5 years. Being married do a deputy is not easy but I am so grateful for all her does. ✨ My favorite role is that of being a mom! I have a 2 year old daughter and 4 month old son! ✨ I am a nurse and worked as a paramedic for years prior to becoming a nurse. I have worked in ER, OR, and women’s wellness (where I currently work PT) ✨ I turned 28 in May! ✨ I could drink iced coffee (and chocolate milk) all day 😂 ✨ I currently live in Tx with my little family but am an army brat and have lived everywhere from Wa to Va to Ga! Thank you for all of your love and support! #gettoknowme #aboutme #newfollowers #wife #believer #christian #mom #icedcoffee #28 #armybrat #leow #leowife #momoftwo #thisisme