@moveu: Here’s some Doc Mike tips on how to do a low back massage on someone with a disc bulge/herniation or sciatica. LMTs we know you aren’t fans of how he gets in there with his thumbs, but psa–he is a-ok. Find the area of compression and create some space ↕️ by hanging off of a table or using a bolster to create some posterior tilt and and then slide the leg to the opposite side.  Start at the top of the hip crest with the Quadratus Lumborum muscle (QL) and take long, super deep passes up the length of the muscle. The QL is deep. If you don’t have Superman Thumbs, get in there with the heel of your hand or a greased up elbow. Pro Tip: You can add some more traction with the opposite hand drawing the hip down as you massage. Make sure your Massagee is breathing. Hold at trigger points 🎯 and try to relax the muscle. You can even press the hands away from one another, creating a deep stretch in the muscle.  The goal is to reduce the compression to help the disc retract into a more normal state. Try it out and let us know how you do! Missed the Independence Day Sale? No worries! Get up to 24% off the Annual Membership! Commit to a pain free living - link in bio 💯

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Monday 15 July 2024 18:24:38 GMT




Eddie Z :
great videos, thanks for providing actual value to Tiktok
2024-07-15 18:45:07
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