@maplessadventures: We’re only half was through our year of National parks and have a few more we’re visiting in October but here are our favorites and the reasons why their worth the visit (majority are west coast located) 📍Petrified Forest- loved the colors, walking through petrified wood, and the uniqueness of the scenery 📍Mammoth Cave- the history and the size of the cave blew us away. Neither of us expected that and were pleasantly surprised! 📍White Sands- being able the sled down the sandy hills and feeling like your surrounded by nothing 📍Canyonlands- THE VIEWS! There is just something about staring out into endless canyons 📍Capitol Reef- the orchards and ability to pick your own fruit, the beautiful rock formations, and the hiking 📍Arches- the red rocks and, well, the arches! 📍Black Canyon of the Gunnison- the views and the coloring of the narrow canyon Tell me about your favorite national park and why? ————————————— My name is Nicole and I started Mapless Adventures back in 2012 with no real direction except to share stories and tales from a solo female traveler of my adventures to my friends and family. Now, I share tips, tricks and stories from adventures around the world and the US, specially National Parks both as solo traveler and couple traveler! Plus, I’m on a mission to visit all national parks! Come follow along the Mapless adventure and let’s see where the world takes us! • • • #nationalparks #nationalparkfoundation #nationalparkservice #nationalpark #nps #nationalparksusa #nationalparkgeek #favoritenationalparks #archesnationalpark #petrifiedforestnationalpark #mammothcavenationalpark #blackcanyonofthegunnisonnationalpark #canyonlandsnationalpark #capitolreefnationalpark #whitesandsnationalpark #roadtrips #usadventures #travellife #traveler #travelmoments #TravelMemories #favoritenationalpark
Michael and Nicole
Region: US
Monday 15 July 2024 18:57:23 GMT
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