@immigrationlawyerthomas: USCIS approves K-1 fiancée petition in 50 days! We are pleased to announce that our client’s K-1 fiancée petition was approved in 50 days! This is one of the fastest approval time for a K-1 petition in 2024. Ever wondered when you should file for that immigration benefit? Now is the time. We are available to walk that journey with you. Contact us to help with your case: ☎️ 508-225-0080 🌏 www.migrateusalaw.com 📍 991 Providence Hwy. #1177, Norwood, MA 02052. Disclaimer: attorney advertising, results may vary. #attorneythomas #K1visa #immigration #malaysia #uscitizenship #americandream #greencard #visa #legalstatus #phillipines #immigrationlawyer #90dayfiancé #fiancevisa