@emzjournal: Replying to @Deny Better late than never. 🙈 Here’s my take of our Alice in wonderland collab with the Saltik Girls 💃 @Vena @Not So Crafty June @Phey💜 trust me I didn’t plan this spread to be so extra. Prolly, I just feel like I need to justify how beautiful the theme is and I need to tell a story on my spread. So I hope you like it as much as I enjoy doing this. ♥️ PS. Sorry if the ASMR is incomplete because it’s rainy season here in the Philippines 😅 I have to mute the mic bec of the heavy rain noise. 🙈⛈️ Materials I’ve used: BG Papers Twigs/Trees from @lblyxir link in my bio 🔗 Discount code: “EMZJOURNAL” for 10% off Mushroom Secret Realm Gate/Smoke or Cloud TAPE/ Stencils from @journalsay Shop link in my bio 🔗 Discount code: “EMZJOURNAL” for 8% off Mushroom House Sticker from @MooboomPlanner Shop link in my bio 🔗 Discount code: “EMZ” for 15% off Alice in wonderland Rub-ons from @Stamperia Visit their website at www.stamperia.com Alice Journal notebook is from my Ate Buding @journal.with.phey check her Etsy in my bio with code 🔗 #creativejournal #journalwithme #journaling #journalideas #journalinspiration #asmrjournal #scrapbook #junkjournal #journalcommunity #fyp