@umar_kremlev: @umarkremlev Иногда многим нужен простой совет, но чтобы его грамотно дать, всегда нужно для начала выслушать.

Open In TikTok:
Region: KG
Wednesday 17 July 2024 13:39:51 GMT




Катя :
Это я на приеме у своего участкового терапевта она мне рассказывает свои болячки🤣и вуаля выходишь от туда абсолютно "здоровой".
2024-07-18 08:17:43
fangavrilina20 :
здравствуйте брат Умар 🥺🥺
2024-07-17 14:32:52
user5790286993201 :
Слава Аллаху растила дочь одна муж умер во всём мне помог Аллах сейчас живём отлично Алхамдулиллох надо просить помощь у Аллаха ♥️♥️♥️
2024-07-18 12:18:00
Мунира :
Здравствуйте Умар ако я вам писала не получила ответ надеюсь что а этом раз вы поможете мне чтобы купить маленькую домик 🛖 чтобы не было холодно зимой🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
2024-07-17 16:31:07
nassirdinov :
Брат, я работаю 24/7 двое детей, кредитов куча, вся зарплата семьи уходит на кредиты, кушать бывает нечего, я никогда ни у кого не просил, смотря ваши видео не знаю что меня подтолкнуло, помогите чем
2024-07-19 11:08:14
Семья я и две принцессы мои :
можно попросить нормально юриста чтобы помог мне в получении жилья 600 рублей превышает доход и меня сняли с очереди. хотя я получаю только пособие.
2024-07-17 15:46:57
бека.ош... :
Кремлёв ты искренний хороший человек тебя уважаю ..от души☺️☺️
2024-08-16 08:21:06
холматов фаррух 904319078 :
спасиба за дабрату
2024-08-11 13:22:01
а я самая плохая не достойная мать не дала своим детям ничего от слово совсем вот и получаю удары от детей АльхамдулиЛлях 🤗
2024-07-18 13:13:10
Людмила :
2024-07-18 11:53:25
Asel 09,❤️🌹🌹🥰 :
честьный человек 🥰
2024-07-18 07:30:56
..._... . :
да-а-а-а, здоровье и возможность- это главное, жаль меня подводит то и то ...🥺
2024-07-17 20:31:00
RS_13_05🤍 :
Здравствуйте Умар Назаравич помогите мне пожалуйста меня очень нужно деньги мама болит 🙏🙏🙏
2024-07-17 18:32:53
Аиша :
жаль вы не в Кыргызстане 🥺
2024-07-18 11:17:35
Дониёр Убайдуллаев83 :
2024-07-17 15:38:22
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🔥 My $10k in 10 days secrets! 💰💻 I started my side hustle 7 months ago and have literally made over $680,000 so far --- and I was a total beginner! Here's what you need to know. The last one is absoutely crucial! 1️⃣ Making money online through digital products and digital marketing is SIMPLE but it's not EASY. While the business model is simple and much easier than being stuck in a 9-5 job you despise, it requires real effort and consistency 💪. I'ts simple to do, but where most people FAIL is that it can be hard to stay consistent and dedicated. I personally made $10k in my first month and so many of my students have been wildly successful! Some even more than me! But, above all else, it is important to stay patient and not get discouraged if you don't see immediate results. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day! 🚀 2️⃣ You can made a butt ton of money without a ton of followeres. Even with a small number of followers, I managed to make five figures in my first month. How? It's all about CONNECTION and EDUCATION. 💡 I've helped students make $10k plus their first month starting from COMPLETE SCRATCH with zero followers. ✨How? Build CONNECTION! Talk to people in DMs, providing honest and helpful answers to questions, and genuinely caring about helping others. It's the personal touch that sets you apart! ✨ 3️⃣ Two words: ATTRACTACTION MARKETING. The hard sell approach doesn't work anymore. Instead, share how the product has benefited you personally and how it can transform the lives of others. Connect with your audience on a deeper level and show them the real person behind the brand! 💫 Building this business takes time, effort, and consistency. But let me tell you, it's 100% worth it! 💯 ‼️ Drop a comment below with the word
🔥 My $10k in 10 days secrets! 💰💻 I started my side hustle 7 months ago and have literally made over $680,000 so far --- and I was a total beginner! Here's what you need to know. The last one is absoutely crucial! 1️⃣ Making money online through digital products and digital marketing is SIMPLE but it's not EASY. While the business model is simple and much easier than being stuck in a 9-5 job you despise, it requires real effort and consistency 💪. I'ts simple to do, but where most people FAIL is that it can be hard to stay consistent and dedicated. I personally made $10k in my first month and so many of my students have been wildly successful! Some even more than me! But, above all else, it is important to stay patient and not get discouraged if you don't see immediate results. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day! 🚀 2️⃣ You can made a butt ton of money without a ton of followeres. Even with a small number of followers, I managed to make five figures in my first month. How? It's all about CONNECTION and EDUCATION. 💡 I've helped students make $10k plus their first month starting from COMPLETE SCRATCH with zero followers. ✨How? Build CONNECTION! Talk to people in DMs, providing honest and helpful answers to questions, and genuinely caring about helping others. It's the personal touch that sets you apart! ✨ 3️⃣ Two words: ATTRACTACTION MARKETING. The hard sell approach doesn't work anymore. Instead, share how the product has benefited you personally and how it can transform the lives of others. Connect with your audience on a deeper level and show them the real person behind the brand! 💫 Building this business takes time, effort, and consistency. But let me tell you, it's 100% worth it! 💯 ‼️ Drop a comment below with the word "launchpad" and I'll dm you my FREE guide to get you started on this exciting journey TODAY! 📚💥 Disclaimer: I share my results to inspire and show you what's possible. This is not a get rich quick scheme or an easy money solution. I make no guarantees to anyone, ever. Success requires dedication and hard work. 😘💪
