My daughter is Autistic and she runs shen she’s overstimulated, teachers were so good with her specially with them not being trained for SEN children. Teachers don’t get appreciated enough IMO
2024-07-17 19:27:50
Adrian :
I thought this was still the cafe setting and I was so confused haha
2024-07-17 19:04:49
DyannS :
I really can’t stand parents like this 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
2024-07-18 00:28:17
lttlebean :
This is a real story from a teacher and I would love if you guys would check out her wishlist in my Bi0!! It’s under “Help a teacher!”
2024-07-17 19:04:20
farmgirl :
My husband retired after 35 years of teaching....parents are EXACTLY like this!😳
2024-07-17 19:10:31
Jillian Rose :
Super early! Hi Gillian from jillian! Love your stuff
2024-07-17 19:04:37
Coco Pumpkin :
It's literally a CONSTANT BATTLE. Then, when a student gets serious consequences or even charges, the parent says, "No one told me this was going on!" After MONTHs of weekly or daily calls/emails.😅
2024-07-17 19:20:45
Tonja battle :
I had the parent from hell this year! she asked me if they were the reason I retired😳
2024-07-17 21:22:35
Katie Carroll Rawlins :
Not me as a teacher like, “Who told her about this?!?” 😂 Then realizing every school has a Johnny.
2024-07-17 19:39:59
Not Your Mama :
Ordered one of the cheaper items on the list because I’m on a tight budget, but I still wanted to help
2024-07-17 19:34:24
Malenics 🇵🇪 :
Do they update everything to the parents through the day? I'm genuinely curious because I'm a teacher too but we don't do that unless is emergency or sickness, everything they do throughout the day is
2024-07-18 15:11:30
OreoCrown 👑 :
Way early!!! I love your videos!!! Say hi, make my day ❤️
2024-07-17 19:05:21
Laura McIlroy :
this is my son...but I am NOT this parent 🤣
2024-07-17 19:42:30
Ashley Wonders :
I mean this in the kindest way possible as a former edu major - please make sure you REALLY want to be a teacher. difficult to switch if you find it's not quite for you. very rewarding if it is tho
2024-07-25 06:11:31
Rach :
I have NEVER been this early!!!!
2024-07-17 19:05:46
Nicki K :
Do you currently work in a cafe?
2024-07-17 20:40:28
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