@paulinacocina: Pauliaventuras por pueblitos polacos buscando unos pierogis. Degustación de cosita variada y algunas conclusiones más sobre qué y cómo comer en Polonia. Qué les llamó más la atención de todo lo que pedimos?? Me comentan, total no les cobro nada 😘 #Polonia #pueblosenPolonia #Lanckorona #Cracovia #ViajaryComer #ComerenPolonia #Comidapolaca #Comerencracovia #Kracow

Paulina Cocina
Paulina Cocina
Open In TikTok:
Region: AR
Wednesday 17 July 2024 21:30:00 GMT




Julian Huertas :
Raviol dulce 😭
2024-07-18 02:31:42
Nico Wino :
que finito el cheescake de pistachoo
2024-07-17 22:12:52
Vanesa :
Los pierogis me hiciste rememorar mi infancia en casa de mi abuela ✨
2024-07-18 02:01:20
Roxana Ro :
Mi hermano se caso con una polaca y fuimos todos al pueblo de ella, ame el zurek y el casamiento duro 3 días jjaja, comimos hasta reventar 😂😂 y también. nos miraban como bichos raros en el pueblo 😂
2024-07-18 02:29:52
anaroy1509 :
receta de la sopa, por favor!!
2024-07-17 22:06:44
cinderrella@ :
explica como es el surek por fa paulina
2024-07-17 21:54:54
lourdesrajoy241 :
es lo mismo que el vareniki?
2024-07-18 00:09:04
Aita (Olivia's Girlfriend) 🤍 :
3raa,Pauli saludass??
2024-07-17 21:47:11
asshh.as :
el arito de limón amo
2024-07-23 20:19:18
Lucía(Roblei's version) :
hay primer video de polonia lo mejor son los pierogi con carne y sopa de remolacha
2024-07-22 15:55:18
un whisky :
que rico pierogui, yo los se cocinar 😎 tengo una gran historia al respecto
2024-07-22 00:54:46
Laura Otalora R :
Recrea el zurek! Que ricooo
2024-07-20 20:14:49
Vera :
Me hiciste acordar a los pierogis de mamá 🥰
2024-07-18 22:09:56
Gladys Navarra :
trae la receta de la sopa pau🙏
2024-07-18 17:39:12
agustin avalos 🇦🇷🇵🇱 :
Yo soy Argentino, vivo en Polonia hace 7 meses , es increíble la gastronomía aquí ❤️
2024-07-18 15:17:31
Empel Otas :
En Polonia al 300?
2024-07-18 11:46:13
lplplp :
Cuando vengas a Argentina tenes que hacer esas recetas.
2024-07-18 03:06:48
Farmacity2x1 :
el café es experimental?
2024-07-18 02:50:18
kariangel92 :
Nooo que linda la infusion🥺💕💕💕💕💕
2024-07-18 02:45:07
Luu Ramirez :
que hermoso lugar Paulina, disfruta mucho
2024-07-18 01:49:32
Elbiis :
Todos los postres que veo de afuera no me parece apetecibles
2024-07-18 23:38:27
Cuqele :
2024-07-22 01:14:37
eduardoescobar8633 :
2024-07-17 21:36:31
santiagoGanidin :
2024-07-18 03:06:56
To see more videos from user @paulinacocina, please go to the Tikwm homepage.

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pov: you are supposed to get married to heeseung. it was already planned by ur parents and his ever since u were little. unlike any other arranged marriage, u and heeseung were different.    it's because u two are already in a relationship and u love each other truly. when ur parents introduce u to each other, u already get along so well that ur bond leads u to have a relationship. ur love story with him is just so perfect.   but like other couples, u often fight too, even if it's just the smallest thing. u know it's a part of the relationship, and u are facing it at the moment. it's been weeks since u had time to spend together. it's because u're schedules don't match. when u're available, he's not, and when he has time, u don't.   he called u last night and reminded u of ur anniversary. u were too busy, and u didn't realize that it's tomorrow. he figured out that u forgot, and he was so disappointed. he even said that u're not putting any effort into this relationship because u're always busy, and u were surprised for him to think that way because u thought that he would understand since u're both busy, but it turns out he doesn't. u both hung up the call, mad at each other.   but now, u can't stop thinking about him all day. one thing u hate the most is when u two are not in a good terms. u are so guilty about last night and forgetting that special day. u know, it's just a simple fight that could easily be talked about. that's why, after u finished all ur work, u decided to go to his place and talk to him.   when u got there, he was not home. u know he's still working, so u just sat up on the couch and waited. the day is not over yet, and u're hoping that u can still celebrate with him. u have a many thoughts in mind that u didn't even notice that u fell asleep until u heard the door open. there u saw him with his face looking so tired. ur eyes met, and u could feel the coldness in his blank stares.
pov: you are supposed to get married to heeseung. it was already planned by ur parents and his ever since u were little. unlike any other arranged marriage, u and heeseung were different. it's because u two are already in a relationship and u love each other truly. when ur parents introduce u to each other, u already get along so well that ur bond leads u to have a relationship. ur love story with him is just so perfect. but like other couples, u often fight too, even if it's just the smallest thing. u know it's a part of the relationship, and u are facing it at the moment. it's been weeks since u had time to spend together. it's because u're schedules don't match. when u're available, he's not, and when he has time, u don't. he called u last night and reminded u of ur anniversary. u were too busy, and u didn't realize that it's tomorrow. he figured out that u forgot, and he was so disappointed. he even said that u're not putting any effort into this relationship because u're always busy, and u were surprised for him to think that way because u thought that he would understand since u're both busy, but it turns out he doesn't. u both hung up the call, mad at each other. but now, u can't stop thinking about him all day. one thing u hate the most is when u two are not in a good terms. u are so guilty about last night and forgetting that special day. u know, it's just a simple fight that could easily be talked about. that's why, after u finished all ur work, u decided to go to his place and talk to him. when u got there, he was not home. u know he's still working, so u just sat up on the couch and waited. the day is not over yet, and u're hoping that u can still celebrate with him. u have a many thoughts in mind that u didn't even notice that u fell asleep until u heard the door open. there u saw him with his face looking so tired. ur eyes met, and u could feel the coldness in his blank stares. "what are u doing here?" he asked as he put down all his things. u felt hurt by his question and just try to ignore it. "happy anniversary," u greet him with a smile in ur face. "i can't believe u put time into this," he said in a sarcastic manner. ur brows furrowed. u don't know why he's acting this way when all u want to do is make it up to him. "look, i'm sorry, okay? please, i don't want us to fight anymore," u said as u took a step closer to him. u tried to hold his hand, but he pulled urs away. "is that how u say sorry?" all he felt is u not being sincere. "i'm sorry, can we just not fight?" u begged him. his face is still emotionless, like he has no plan to make it up to u. "u're always been like that. u think saying sorry is enough?" he said with frustration in his tone. u can't believe him. u waited for him here, but here he is, giving u a cold treatment. u felt deeply hurt. u think that it's unfair that he's putting all the blame on u when it's just a simple fight. this won't do. now, u just decided to leave. u're both mad at each other, and u think it's better if u just leave and talk some other time. "then i'll just leave," ur voice was barely above a whisper. he looked at u with his brows furrowed. "that's it? u're leaving?" he asked. "it's because it's obvious that u don't want to fix this!" u exclaimed, almost raising ur voice. "is that how u really think?" he asked. what u said is not true. "u forgot about something important, and now u're going to appear here with ur insincere apologies." u could tell that he's mad now from the tone of his voice. "so u think i'm being insincere now?" u asked him, annoyed. u can't believe that he thinks that u're being insincere right now. this is the worst fight u've ever had with ur relationship. he sighed, and the fight continued. (comsec++) #enhypen #enhypenpov #heeseung #HEESEUNG #leeheeseung #LEEHEESEUNG #fyp #FYP
