@equipmeot1: Curb Cut Effect, but make it fashion 👗👚👖👟 Here are a few adaptive clothing brands I wear regularly! ✨Liberare - the magnetic front closure bras are spectacular 🙌🏻 ✨Magnaready - my shirt in the video is a magnetic closure shirt that is in regular rotation. ✨Kizik’s - IYKYK, I own 3 pairs and just bought my kids each a pair for the upcoming school year! No bend shoes are always a win! ✨Aille - pronounced “eye”, not pictured, but a deeply loved braille apparel brand with exquisite quality and beauty! What are you wearing? #occupationaltherapy #otstudent #adaptivefashion #accessible #accessibledesign #caregiver #chronicillness #chronicpain #arthritis #curbcuteffect