@elainewalshmcgrath: Content creation can be so confusing but it's such an easy way (when you know how) to scale your business. The thing is, why do you need trends? How do you sell in your content? And what should you share? Does video work on LinkedIn? Should you show or share the more private side of your life on LinkedIn? What works there? These are all questions that I work through with my clients in my content membership which is called Let's Get Visible. It's a content membership to help coaches and service based businesses that will help you to grow your personal brand and visibility on LinkedIn. ➡️ It's packed full of value that focuses on ease not overwhelm. It kicks off with immediate access to a self paced training called Content that Converts. It has monthly calls, planning sessions and workshops to support our growing community. ➡️ I give everyone the exact tools that I use with brands that I work with in my content agency. (They're practical and easy to use.) ❤️ In my community we're inclusive and members' professions range from virtual assistant to financial wellness and professional witch. Want more info? Comment CONTENT and I'll share the link to Let's Get Visible.

LinkedIn & Content Expert 🍉
LinkedIn & Content Expert 🍉
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Friday 19 July 2024 16:03:01 GMT




LinkedIn & Content Expert 🍉 :
2024-07-19 16:03:13
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