@the.mav4319: Luka better then ant 🤷‍♂️#ant #anthonyedwards #lukadoncic #usa #basketball #NBA #meetthegrahams #kendrick #mavs #wolves

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Region: US
Friday 19 July 2024 16:59:08 GMT




jaydub :
meet the celtics
2024-07-19 17:16:31
Keionta 😈💯 :
2024-07-19 17:27:49
EZEKIEL L . Friends :
Btw the Celtics was cheating 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
2024-07-19 17:33:42
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(he/they for me) I'm only 3 months in, it'll keep changing, but that's what I signed up for. your voice doesn't change to a bass overnight, and you can stop at any time if it's not what you want. it doesn't hurt, not at all. my high register is currently still there to an extent, and that's important to me. I'll be working with a vocal trainer soon to maintain my higher speaking voice as an option as it drops. do. your. research. your doctors SHOULD inform you of all possible changes but there are always going to be bad doctors, make sure you know what you're signing up for on your own time. but those cracks, those breaks, the gravel, the moments when I go to
(he/they for me) I'm only 3 months in, it'll keep changing, but that's what I signed up for. your voice doesn't change to a bass overnight, and you can stop at any time if it's not what you want. it doesn't hurt, not at all. my high register is currently still there to an extent, and that's important to me. I'll be working with a vocal trainer soon to maintain my higher speaking voice as an option as it drops. do. your. research. your doctors SHOULD inform you of all possible changes but there are always going to be bad doctors, make sure you know what you're signing up for on your own time. but those cracks, those breaks, the gravel, the moments when I go to "wohooooo!" and nothing comes out for a moment, they make me so incredibly happy. the heal the 14 year old boy in me that never spoke when he was alone, who spent so much energy hating himself because he would never be masculine enough to be comfortable in his femininity, who tried every once in awhile to make it stop becsude he couldn't see that we'd get here someday. but I'm okay, and every day will get better. trans healthcare saves lives, but even when lives aren't at risk shouldn't be get to be happy? I didn't deserve that pain. no one does, and you don't deserve to take the chance at happiness away from anyone, regardless of whether you agree with their vision of themself #transhealthcare #trans #transition #transrights #transchildrenmatter #transteensmatter #transadultsweretranskids #transmasc #hethey #hehim #theythem #transgender #genderfluid #testosterone #testosteroneinjection #healthcare #genderaffirmingcare #chronicillness #tired #spoonie #zebra #hypermobile #hypermobileehlersdanlossyndrome #ehlersdanlos #ehlersdanlossyndrome #heds #hypermobility #malignanthypermobility #jointissues #jointpain #visceralpain #chronicpain #medicalsystem#alters #system #osdd1b #osdd #dissociativeidentitydisorder #DID #OSDDsystem
