@kitadinda.co: Selesa sangat blouse ni baggy dan freesize. Kain pun sejuk tak panas boleh buat pakai pergi mana2 pun 😍 #blouse #ironlessblouse #blousemurah #blousebaggy #blousewanita #blouseironless #blousetakpayahgosok #printedblouse

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Saturday 20 July 2024 12:19:21 GMT




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n i still chose a side of green beans bc i genuinely prefer them over something like fries, for ex... intuitive eating is all about rewiring your brain. i associate eating green beans with good feelings… i.e. not feeling bloated, sluggish, or bad after eating… also though they r fr sooo delicious AND THEY R NUTRITIOUS?? yes puleaseee😍😍😮‍💨😮‍💨 like at the end of the day i still ended up eating 2 1/2 chicken breast and cut a slice of bread in half n just ate as much as i wanted 😭😭 ykwim but i left feeling satisfied and good which is what im stillll LEARNINGGGG and trying my best to honor and do. (also, i had a bowl of oatmeal w fruit, a lil pineapple, and a few rice cakes with various toppings right after just so y’all know 😏😏😏) buuuuuut like i always say A SLICE OF PIE TASTES THE SAME AS THE ENTIRE FCKING PIE!!!! JUST HAVE A LIL BIT OF EVERYTHING!!! restriction is dangerous, and telling yourself you cant have something is just going to make you want it THAT MUCH MORE. THAT is why i ALWAYS say, “ i eat whatever i want.” because i do, HOWEVER i eat what leaves my BODYYY feeling good!!!!!!! which obviously cuts out a lot of shit L O L. its a process guys, it takes TIMEEE to figure out. I AMM STILL AFTER 3 YEARS PRACTICING, MESSING UP, N RELEARNING BUT PROGRESS AINT LINEAR. ITS UP DOWN SIDEWAYS BACKWARDS TO THE MOON N BACK DOWN. u just got to be willing to try. truly hope this helps someone and if you read everything, i heart you. 🫶🫶🫶  ##intuitiveeating##fyp#fypyoupage ##hungercues#fitn#Fitness #gymg#gymgirll#healthylifestyleer#energydrinkl#girlswholiftd#cardioi#stairmastern#morningroutined#productivedayi#dayinthelifev#gymvlogl#healthiswealthm#gymmotivationl#wellnessk#workoutroutinet#whatieatinadaya#romanticizeyourlifei#dayinthelifeg#Vlogf#SelfCareo#abroutiney#bodytransformationy#bodybuildinge#moderationg#weightlossl#fatlossh#highestselfa#creatorsearchinsightshprotein ##healthyrecipes##lowcalorie
n i still chose a side of green beans bc i genuinely prefer them over something like fries, for ex... intuitive eating is all about rewiring your brain. i associate eating green beans with good feelings… i.e. not feeling bloated, sluggish, or bad after eating… also though they r fr sooo delicious AND THEY R NUTRITIOUS?? yes puleaseee😍😍😮‍💨😮‍💨 like at the end of the day i still ended up eating 2 1/2 chicken breast and cut a slice of bread in half n just ate as much as i wanted 😭😭 ykwim but i left feeling satisfied and good which is what im stillll LEARNINGGGG and trying my best to honor and do. (also, i had a bowl of oatmeal w fruit, a lil pineapple, and a few rice cakes with various toppings right after just so y’all know 😏😏😏) buuuuuut like i always say A SLICE OF PIE TASTES THE SAME AS THE ENTIRE FCKING PIE!!!! JUST HAVE A LIL BIT OF EVERYTHING!!! restriction is dangerous, and telling yourself you cant have something is just going to make you want it THAT MUCH MORE. THAT is why i ALWAYS say, “ i eat whatever i want.” because i do, HOWEVER i eat what leaves my BODYYY feeling good!!!!!!! which obviously cuts out a lot of shit L O L. its a process guys, it takes TIMEEE to figure out. I AMM STILL AFTER 3 YEARS PRACTICING, MESSING UP, N RELEARNING BUT PROGRESS AINT LINEAR. ITS UP DOWN SIDEWAYS BACKWARDS TO THE MOON N BACK DOWN. u just got to be willing to try. truly hope this helps someone and if you read everything, i heart you. 🫶🫶🫶 ##intuitiveeating##fyp#fypyoupage ##hungercues#fitn#Fitness #gymg#gymgirll#healthylifestyleer#energydrinkl#girlswholiftd#cardioi#stairmastern#morningroutined#productivedayi#dayinthelifev#gymvlogl#healthiswealthm#gymmotivationl#wellnessk#workoutroutinet#whatieatinadaya#romanticizeyourlifei#dayinthelifeg#Vlogf#SelfCareo#abroutiney#bodytransformationy#bodybuildinge#moderationg#weightlossl#fatlossh#highestselfa#creatorsearchinsightshprotein ##healthyrecipes##lowcalorie
