
Uly Dezalves
Uly Dezalves
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Monday 22 July 2024 02:09:59 GMT




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Two French women (wife and daughter of Governor-General Paul Doumer) throwing small cash coins in front of Annamite children.. By the late 1880s, France controlled modern-day Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, collectively known as French Indochina. French colonialism in Vietnam lasted for six decades, driven mainly by economic motives such as access to raw materials and cheap labor. Despite claims of a
Two French women (wife and daughter of Governor-General Paul Doumer) throwing small cash coins in front of Annamite children.. By the late 1880s, France controlled modern-day Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, collectively known as French Indochina. French colonialism in Vietnam lasted for six decades, driven mainly by economic motives such as access to raw materials and cheap labor. Despite claims of a "civilizing mission," the true focus was profit and exploitation. The outcomes for the Vietnamese people included dispossession, control, and brutality. **French Empire and Mission Civilisatrice** The French Empire, dating back to the 17th century, expanded globally, concentrating by the late 1800s in Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific, and Southeast Asia. The French justified their imperialism with the mission civilisatrice, a concept similar to the English "white man’s burden," claiming a duty to modernize "undeveloped" regions. In reality, this was a facade for economic exploitation. **Administration and Governance** French colonialism was often expedient and brutal, lacking a coherent policy in Indochina. More than 20 governors, each with varying approaches, were sent between 1900 and 1945. This autonomy led to corruption and heavy-handed governance. The Nguyen emperors became figureheads with little power. **Divide and Rule Strategy** To prevent resistance, the French implemented a 'divide and rule' strategy, creating divisions among local groups. Vietnam was split into three provinces: Tonkin, Annam, and Cochinchina, each administered separately. National identity and autonomy were discouraged, and even the name "Vietnam" was made illegal by a colonial edict.
