@iamtheseanchristo: Peanut Butter Mousse Recipe🔥 RECIPE & MACROS ⬇️ For unlimited recipes daily join the Ketoish community today at www.alifefullyalive.com Ingredients ▪️180g 0% Greek yogurt ▪️15g peanut butter (1 tbsp) ▪️12g (a bit less than 2 tbsp) powdered peanut butter. Can be substituted with vanilla flavoured protein powder (I recommend casein or vegan for texture) ▪️optional: sweetener to taste (I like using flavour drops in this one) ▪️optional: pinch of salt if your peanut butter is unsalted Process ◽️Mix everything together ◽️Serve, for better texture let it rest in the fridge for a bit 🌱vegan option: use a thick vegan yogurt Macros for the whole 265 kcal 31g protein 9.5g fat 12g carbs #healthyrecipe #proteinrecipe #EasyRecipe #easydessert #lowcalorie #proteindessert #proteinsnack #greekyogurt #healthysnacks #healthydessert #easysnack #peanutbutter #peanutbutterrecipe