@the.6ix.eats: Summer in the city is special ✨️ Festivals like @FEASTIE.@Feastie TO really highlight Toronto and its diverse good scene. I didn't evergreen go to half of the spots at Feastie and still had a great time. If you ever see they are hosting another event hit them up! They did a great job with this lineup of food and beverage vendors! Thank you Feastie for the invite! #the6ixeats #eatfamous #foodvid #torontoeats #torontofood #toronto #spicy #spice #noodles #noodlepull #shrimp #prawns #drinks #tequila #dj #music #festival #Summer #summervibes #summerevents #Foodie #ceviche #beer #fyp #fyyp #FYP #FYYP