@ryan_missionupgrade: Do you think that a meal plan is the answer to your problems? Let me tell you why it isn’t.. 1. You’re not going to eat like that forever. So if you’re current diet right now is shocking then just over writing it for a short period of time to just lose weight and not actually learn anything about nutrition will lead to you just going back to your old way of eating Which is the reason you gained the weight in the first place 2. It’s boring and will be solid to stick to. Losing weight shouldn’t be about being as disciplined as possible with eating foods you don’t enjoy. It should be about improving your diet and eating foods you actually like 3. Eating the same meals every single day for months is damaging to your relationship with food. You then start to just see food as this way to lose weight rather than it being what fuels and nourishes your body If you follow a meal plan that has different days of food every day Changes stuff about and includes all the foods you enjoy and isn’t boring then fair enough But eating the same foods every single day just to lose weight isn’t going to work long term Not unless you are EDUCATED during the process Inside Mission Upgrade we educate you when it comes to nutrition and help you improve your diet for the rest of your life! Want to lose body fat and still enjoy your diet? DM me “🤝” and I’ll send you over all the info ✅