check out the Makers Market in the tunnel between the convention center and the stadium.
also go find Dryad Tea and The Evergreen Burrow.
2024-07-25 06:59:10
Dan the Baker :
The only thing you should come see is the fight club I’m hosting in the parking lot
2024-07-24 15:14:19
samsies 😂 we gotta meet up and get a drink and/or roll some dice!
2024-07-25 06:01:04
Jack Morgan E.F. Lavandowska :
go check out hunters entertainment experience! it's free and is at a bar that has games and food. say Jack Lavandowska says hi ahaha
2024-07-24 15:27:37
ghostsinmyforest :
Break!! is an amazing game being shown there, it's very like the old Hobbit movies meets Ghibli and is up for two Ennies! my local DM worked on it for a decade with a professional artist in the UK 💜
2024-07-24 15:27:21
JustASmolGhost :
Starfinder 2e playtest! Caveat that it is also the only thing I know about at Gencon 😅
2024-07-25 02:27:23
Shades Corvid 🍉 :
Just waiting for my Paizo order and the SF2 Playtest pdf to drop…
2024-07-24 23:41:43
CmdrNikeShepard :
Hope to see you there! 20+ year vet of GC here. The best things to see are usually in Artist Alley, Cardhalla, and the giant Balloon sculpture made new every year!
2024-07-24 15:50:53
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