My recent traumatic car accident- I cannot eat spinach and I love spinach. During impact I could taste blood so I thought I was dying. So anything with an irony taste will not work anymore 😬
2024-07-25 17:33:08
Cindy Zorger768 :
not a traumatic situation but I used to love ice cream, sweets etc. I had bariatric surgery and now I can't eat and don't even want it. The rare times I do feel a craving. I eat like a spoonful
2024-07-25 00:42:48
Michelle Clemons :
All due to pregnancy I can’t do orange juice, or touch ground beef or raw chicken
2024-08-14 18:51:10
erics4112 :
After being a plumber for almost twenty years, I cannot eat refried beans because they look the same going in as they do coming out lol
2024-07-25 00:31:03
kassoumtraore741 :
Jon you’re a great storyteller
2024-07-25 00:44:55
takeyourmedicine :
my dad was the chief of police in the town i grew up in, he had to give direct mouth to mouth to a man who had just been electrocuted at a factory in town as he got there before anyone bc the factory-
2024-07-25 00:43:19
🦋🌸 Amber Rae 🌸🦋 :
Me eating gummy worms praying you don't say anything about maggots. I hear you about meat. I can't do game meat, and when I do eat any other meat I have to compartmentalize. Thinking about anything1/2
2024-07-26 06:05:13
SouthernHeart :
fried chicken livers and onions I loved it as a kid once I found out what the liver does can't do Thanksgiving turkey I got really bad food poising same with dairy queen
2024-08-05 04:46:57
user8799322560875teri :
Wow just wow
2024-07-28 21:34:20
IRS Form # 13909 :
Regarding curry: Smell is the sense that is most associated with the brain's memory.
2024-07-25 01:51:58
renfree243 :
Maple brown sugar oatmeal for me! ER nurse- was eating breakfast when a code came in. Worked on him for about an hour before we called it. That oatmeal always brings it back
2024-07-29 12:24:22
amyemmet1 :
Oh, dear one, I cannot begin to imagine what you have seen and experienced during your career. Thank you for protecting and serving us all.❤️❤️❤️
2024-07-29 06:33:11
kristenjohnston357 :
Boston Baked Beans(the candy)used to love them!BK Whopper(my Dad knows why)😆, Sushi(bugs on it at a popular sushi place in my city)first time I tried it. bugs under the sushi after I had eaten some.
2024-07-29 11:21:56
cocomarthastew :
Chocolate gives me migraines but it doesn’t stop me 😭
2024-07-25 06:53:48
Just me :
Worked at a beef plant many years ago. Can’t eat hamburger meat very much
2024-07-27 17:29:57
RStacy66 :
Bless your heart Big can only imagine 😢😢😢😢
2024-07-25 01:18:40
Constance :
thankyou for your service
2024-07-25 01:37:01
Live-and-Let-Live :
sorry you had to go through all that. thank you for providing a priceless servicing the people. ❤️
2024-07-25 02:30:38
Silver Lynn :
I'm 75 and can eat everything, so far.
2024-07-25 05:29:57
Jenna Young :
Queso makes my tummy, uhhhhhhh, angry now…
2024-07-25 16:45:15
Tammy Palmer Cook :
Ice cream 😞
2024-07-29 14:57:51
SB cols :
Thank you for your service sir. People don’t understand the lasting effects the job has on police persons.
2024-07-28 15:31:46
Victoria :
my grandma used to make kidney pie and I found out that a kidney does I could no longer if kidney pies
2024-07-27 09:40:22
bindy92 :
You are such a great story teller… now I will think of your stories when I come across these foods in the future!
2024-08-04 00:58:04
crazy_cat_mom_17 :
Turkey. I can do lunch meat but that’s it. Got food poisoning on thanksgiving at 14 and ended up in the Er with dehydration cause I threw up so much.
2024-07-26 03:35:34
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