@abbyfridman: 🫶🏽CREATORS: if you're wondering how to get better engagement & growth, HAVE BETTER ARPU. 💭ARPU = average revenue per unit MEANING: the more time people spend on the app, the more ads get run, the more money gets made. @$1MM+ Scaling Mentor • Kenda said it best: when your video has poor retention, it tells the platform that your video will not make them money = poor performance ✅Challenge yourself to create better content that shifts consumer behavior and stop blaming it on the "algorithm". 🫶🏽Connect with me for all things social media & branding!🫶🏽 • • • • #fulltimecontentcreator #socialmediamarketing #socialmediamanager #ugccreator #ugccoach #creativestrategist #sixfigures #socialmediagrowthtips #followthemoney #socialmedia