@where_she_lands: 🎶The hills are alive with the sound of music…🎶 You’re guaranteed to be in a good mood after this tour! This Sound of Music tour was everything I had hoped for! You’ll feel exactly like you’re in the movie and get to see some of the Austrian countryside. I booked this tour on Viator for $72. It was about 4 hours long and there were 2 different tour times to choose from. Even if you don’t know a whole lot about the movie, this tour is great & you will learn so much! I had only seen the Sound of music once before I went on this tour and still had such a good time. #soundofmusic #thehillsarealive #thehillsarealivewiththesoundofmusic #salzburg #austria #viator #daytour #daytrip #solotravel #solofemaletraveler #travelhacks #traveltips #tours #thingstodoinsalzburg