@geisler_ziemann_allianz: Hast du eine Fahrradversicherung? Braucht man sowas überhaupt? 👇👇👇 ➡️ Wusstest du, dass dein Fahrrad nur versichert ist, wenn es an einen festen Ort angeschlossen ist? 🌳 ➡️ Ein freistehendes Fahrrad, nur zwischen Rahmen und Rad gesichert, reicht nicht aus. Immer einen Fahrradständer, Baum oder Ähnliches suchen! Egal wo: vor der Haustür, am Bahnhof oder im Fitnessstudio – die Versicherung greift überall, sogar im Urlaub! 🌍 ➡️Selbst bei Diebstahl einzelner Teile wie Sattel oder Schaltung bist du abgesichert. 🚲 Nicht jeder braucht sie, oft genügt ein Zusatzbaustein in der Hausratversicherung. Beratung lohnt sich! ➡️ Deine Fahrradversicherung deckt ab: - **Diebstahl:** 24/7 Schutz – überall. - **Teilediebstahl:** Ersatz für gestohlene Teile wie Vorderrad oder Sattel. - **Vandalismus:** Schutz vor ärgerlichen Schäden. ➡️ Geisler & Ziemann Allianz bietet:** - **Schnelle Schadensregulierung:** Persönlich und unkompliziert. - **Weltweiter Schutz:** Egal ob in Deutschland oder im Ausland – dein Fahrrad ist sicher! ➡️ Es lohnt sich, darüber zu sprechen. Dein Geisler & Ziemann Team https://vertretung.allianz.de/geisler.ziemann 🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝 #beelitz #werder #potsdam #fachagentur #versicherung #geislerziemann #fahrrad #fahrradversicherung #allianz

Open In TikTok:
Region: DE
Monday 29 July 2024 05:02:46 GMT




kirmizikedi :
Wow — was alles im Rucksack passt
2024-07-29 10:12:06
Mehmet Kahraman :
Sehr gut gemacht — klasse Darstellerin
2024-07-29 10:12:04
çiçeklim butik :
😂ich Feier das Video
2024-07-29 10:11:59
ecenazari :
Das Werkzeug ist der Hammer
2024-07-29 10:11:54
Nadine F :
2024-07-29 13:02:49
betül :
Die Heckenschere 😂
2024-07-29 10:11:59
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“When a man can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.” - Viktor Frankl  It’s not human nature to stay content. Stagnation leads to depression. The search for meaning is also not a simple one, but it is vital to have some ideal to pursue.  The religious pursue moral perfection, athletes pursue the ever-rising bar of athletic performance, and doctors pursue the best and most effective ways to heal the body and mind. Health, education, spirituality, longevity, social connection, philosophy, etc. These pursuits are ultimately unachievable for us, but they provide direction and focus.  Those who burn out in the gym, in their job, or even in their role as a parent or spouse are those without meaning in their efforts. Without meaning, your efforts equal drudgery. And that’s when life gets dangerous, because when you don’t chase the unachievable ideal, you inevitably fall into the bottomless pit of pleasure.  Pleasure does not equal joy. Pleasure is addiction and looks like someone heading to the bar everyday after work to avoid going home. It’s binge watching Netflix over a tub of your favorite ice cream. Pleasure is the pursuit of drugs, money, or sex; none of which satisfy in any degree without a grander end in mind. The road of pleasure is for the weak, and its pursuit only makes you weaker. The meaningful path is hard and often not unpleasant, but it leads to contentment, joy, and fulfillment. The sacrifice pays dividends.  So, observe your life and be honest in your introspection. What are you chasing? Is it meaningful or just pleasure?  #viktorfrankl #meaning #pleasure #health #mindset #Fitness #pursuit #stoicism #stoic #fyp
“When a man can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.” - Viktor Frankl It’s not human nature to stay content. Stagnation leads to depression. The search for meaning is also not a simple one, but it is vital to have some ideal to pursue. The religious pursue moral perfection, athletes pursue the ever-rising bar of athletic performance, and doctors pursue the best and most effective ways to heal the body and mind. Health, education, spirituality, longevity, social connection, philosophy, etc. These pursuits are ultimately unachievable for us, but they provide direction and focus. Those who burn out in the gym, in their job, or even in their role as a parent or spouse are those without meaning in their efforts. Without meaning, your efforts equal drudgery. And that’s when life gets dangerous, because when you don’t chase the unachievable ideal, you inevitably fall into the bottomless pit of pleasure. Pleasure does not equal joy. Pleasure is addiction and looks like someone heading to the bar everyday after work to avoid going home. It’s binge watching Netflix over a tub of your favorite ice cream. Pleasure is the pursuit of drugs, money, or sex; none of which satisfy in any degree without a grander end in mind. The road of pleasure is for the weak, and its pursuit only makes you weaker. The meaningful path is hard and often not unpleasant, but it leads to contentment, joy, and fulfillment. The sacrifice pays dividends. So, observe your life and be honest in your introspection. What are you chasing? Is it meaningful or just pleasure? #viktorfrankl #meaning #pleasure #health #mindset #Fitness #pursuit #stoicism #stoic #fyp
