@geektimecoil: אפשר סופסוף להקליט שיחות באייפון!!!!! #אייפון #אפל #apple #iphone #הקלטתשיחות #פינטוק #ios18

Geektime - גיקטיים
Geektime - גיקטיים
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Tuesday 30 July 2024 14:15:21 GMT




Emmanuel Abeliansky :
אנדרואיד ממשיכים להיקרע מצחוק על אייפונים חחחחח
2024-07-30 14:43:10
shirel_kadary_makeup :
אין לי בעיה שזה יגיד באנגלית שזה מקליט עם מי שאני מדברת בטלפון בדרך כלל אין להם יחידה אחת באנגלית😂😂
2024-07-31 04:56:42
Adi.malihi🍒 :
נו אבל אני עם 15 פרו מקס ועדכנתי ואיןןןן
2024-09-17 12:23:28
Oliver :
אני נותן לישראלים שבוע עד שמוציאים דרך שלא ישמעו את השיר אזהרה בהתחלה
2024-07-31 19:09:35
🦦𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓿𝓲🦦 :
אבל מה זה עוזר שזה אומר לצד השני
2024-09-21 10:39:49
Last_Riddle.Mr_E :
מה קבלו???? יש לי את באנדרואיד הסיני שעלי לי 40$ מובנה.
2024-07-31 08:34:27
885 :
מה זה שווה אם הצד השני יודע שהוא מוקלט🤦🏿‍♂️
2024-07-31 13:28:17
Moshe 1974 :
אפל תקועה כבר שנים רבות עם אותו ממשק מיושן.לא יאמן שאנחנו ב 2024 ועדיין אין באפל הקלטת שיחות וגם כשמוסיפים את אז עם התראה קולית. אנדרואיד שמה את אפל בכיס הקטן ביעילות וקדמה.תמשיכו לזרוק כסף על אייפון
2024-08-30 11:51:00
I. corsia :
יש. שיטה יותר טובה להקליט בכל טלפון בלי שהצד השני ידע
2024-07-30 20:41:56
M.A.Y.A🦋🪩 :
זה לא עובד לי אני עשיתי את בעדכון ויש לי איפון 15
2024-09-12 15:24:25
Liz zaguri :
מה קורה אם אני שמה על השתק בהתחלה עדין ישמעו?
2024-07-30 20:34:25
Reut Vinnik :
באיזו גרסה רואים את זה באייפון 15 פרו?
2024-07-30 18:32:15
נועם שטרן :
למה באייפון 15 פרו אני על גירסה 18.0 בטה ואין לי עוד עדכון?
2024-08-08 04:57:00
Ya ov :
אין שום הקלטת שיחות בio18
2024-10-16 11:29:18
Tal Cohen :
מתקשרים לסתם מספר לא קשור, מתחילים הקלטה, שמים בהולד ומוסיפים לשיחה את היעד שאליו רוצים להתקשר. את זה ניסיתם?
2024-07-31 10:11:21
Xman40 :
זה זמין בעדכון החדש ולא ביטא ולא מיטא 18.1
2024-07-31 13:53:11
✨ :
רגע זה יראה לצד השני שמקליטים?
2024-07-30 22:06:12
Nunoo87 :
מעצבן שזה מודיע אפל יותר מדיי אתיים
2024-09-10 05:27:55
hagay :
כל האייפון הזה מלא כסף עולה ומקליט שיחות אין לו😂😂😂
2024-08-02 07:50:34
𝕰𝖑𝖆𝖞 :
זה היה כבר באנדרואיד🥱
2024-07-30 19:47:13
ronh123 :
לי יש את זה ולא יודע למה זה הצרות שלחם😌😏
2024-10-14 20:05:25
hezisasson :
מה זה שווה אם זה מודיע לצד השני 🤔
2024-10-14 00:05:30
שי המתוק :
איך קוראים להקלטה
2024-09-22 00:39:34
Yonib :
הקטע שזה מודיע ממש ממש לא לעניין! זכותו של אדם להקליט שיחה שהוא חלק ממנה. זה כל כך בסיסי כשהוא רוצה להוכיח משהו או להילחם על צדק. ידיעה מצד הצד השני עלולה לסכל את זה.
2024-09-10 20:37:32
miriam_zax :
אז זה לא קבלו זה חכו עוד כי יקח עוד זמן 🤷
2024-09-06 15:46:30
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Court hands 5-year jail term to Lusaka mother for ‘ironing’ her daughter UPON realizing that liberation was out of reach, when the Court struck the gavel after jailing her five years for burning her daughter with a pressing iron, a mother of Lusaka cried uncontrollably regretting having laid hands on her nine-year old daughter. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/pXoVsBvskQVCGTaW/?mibextid=oFDknk Her daughter's crime for the punishment was not washing the dishes and coming home late. Despite telling the Court that she was a single orphan with an infant and other dependents to take care of,  Elina Mwaleza could not sway the Court into imposing a lesser punishment, as Magistrate Mutinta Mwenya indicated that her hands were tied because the offense she had committed attracted a minimum sentence of five years. The words of the magistrate which were lacking hope, brought Mwaleza to tears. In this matter Mwaleza was charged with assault on a child.  In her defense, Mwaleza had told the Court that whilst whipping her daughter, the child accidentally fell on the iron, which she (Mwaleza) had put carelessly after ironing. Mwaleza said she did not burn her daughter’s thigh and hand intentionally, as she was only trying to discipline her for coming home late and not doing house chores, unbeknownst to her that she would fall on the pressing iron which she had forgotten to switch off. But in her findings, Magistrate Mwenya said the burns were not only on the girl’s feet but the sole of her foot, her thigh, back and arm which shows that someone was pressing the iron in the said areas systemically to inflict pain. Magistrate Mwenya said Mwaleza has corroborated the evidence of her child that she was beaten for coming home late and not washing the dirty plates.  “Mwaleza appears to suggest that she beat the child because she had not washed the plates she was told to clean and came home at an awkward hour when the sun had gone down. In other words she is putting up a defense of lawful chastisement which is a defence at common law,” Magistrate Mutinta said. “Given the age of the victim and the mode of beating her, certainly no reasonable human being would accept such treatment of a child of tender years to be reasonable chastisement. The force applied was unlawful. In the premise I am satisfied beyond all reasonable doubt battery was committed on the  child.” Magistrate Mwenya said the imprinted scars from the iron burns on the child’s body were sufficient evidence for actual bodily harm which proves that the child was battered.  Magistrate Mwenya said the excuse by Mwaleza that her pregnancy hormones caused her to torture the child cannot be used as a defense.  “l use the objective test of what a reasonable pregnant woman at full term would do if her own biological child came home at 18 hours and did not wash plates it would certainly not reach this extent of discipline certainly not to ones blood,”magistrate Mwenya said.  She indicated that she was satisfied that State prosecutor, Malama Chisenga had proved the case of assault on a child contrary to section 248A of the Penal Code against Mwaleza and convicted her. In mitigation Mwaleza, with tears streaming down her cheeks, begged for mercy saying she did not intentionally burn the child. “I have raised her without the father, I made a mistake to beat her and she fell on the iron. They (Social welfare inspectors) should give me back the child, I will take care of her, many dependents will suffer if am sent to prison. I take care of my siblings and mother, am a single orphan my died died a long time,”Mwaleza said between sobs.  But magistrate Mwenya said even if Mwaleza cried her a river, she was limited to only imposing the mandatory sentence of five years. “There’s nothing I can do once I convict, this offense carries a minimum mandatory sentence of five years. I hereby sentence you to five years imprisonment. Your police bond is revoked you have 14 days to appeal the case is closed,”ordered magistrate Mwenya.  As sh
Court hands 5-year jail term to Lusaka mother for ‘ironing’ her daughter UPON realizing that liberation was out of reach, when the Court struck the gavel after jailing her five years for burning her daughter with a pressing iron, a mother of Lusaka cried uncontrollably regretting having laid hands on her nine-year old daughter. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/pXoVsBvskQVCGTaW/?mibextid=oFDknk Her daughter's crime for the punishment was not washing the dishes and coming home late. Despite telling the Court that she was a single orphan with an infant and other dependents to take care of, Elina Mwaleza could not sway the Court into imposing a lesser punishment, as Magistrate Mutinta Mwenya indicated that her hands were tied because the offense she had committed attracted a minimum sentence of five years. The words of the magistrate which were lacking hope, brought Mwaleza to tears. In this matter Mwaleza was charged with assault on a child. In her defense, Mwaleza had told the Court that whilst whipping her daughter, the child accidentally fell on the iron, which she (Mwaleza) had put carelessly after ironing. Mwaleza said she did not burn her daughter’s thigh and hand intentionally, as she was only trying to discipline her for coming home late and not doing house chores, unbeknownst to her that she would fall on the pressing iron which she had forgotten to switch off. But in her findings, Magistrate Mwenya said the burns were not only on the girl’s feet but the sole of her foot, her thigh, back and arm which shows that someone was pressing the iron in the said areas systemically to inflict pain. Magistrate Mwenya said Mwaleza has corroborated the evidence of her child that she was beaten for coming home late and not washing the dirty plates. “Mwaleza appears to suggest that she beat the child because she had not washed the plates she was told to clean and came home at an awkward hour when the sun had gone down. In other words she is putting up a defense of lawful chastisement which is a defence at common law,” Magistrate Mutinta said. “Given the age of the victim and the mode of beating her, certainly no reasonable human being would accept such treatment of a child of tender years to be reasonable chastisement. The force applied was unlawful. In the premise I am satisfied beyond all reasonable doubt battery was committed on the child.” Magistrate Mwenya said the imprinted scars from the iron burns on the child’s body were sufficient evidence for actual bodily harm which proves that the child was battered. Magistrate Mwenya said the excuse by Mwaleza that her pregnancy hormones caused her to torture the child cannot be used as a defense. “l use the objective test of what a reasonable pregnant woman at full term would do if her own biological child came home at 18 hours and did not wash plates it would certainly not reach this extent of discipline certainly not to ones blood,”magistrate Mwenya said. She indicated that she was satisfied that State prosecutor, Malama Chisenga had proved the case of assault on a child contrary to section 248A of the Penal Code against Mwaleza and convicted her. In mitigation Mwaleza, with tears streaming down her cheeks, begged for mercy saying she did not intentionally burn the child. “I have raised her without the father, I made a mistake to beat her and she fell on the iron. They (Social welfare inspectors) should give me back the child, I will take care of her, many dependents will suffer if am sent to prison. I take care of my siblings and mother, am a single orphan my died died a long time,”Mwaleza said between sobs. But magistrate Mwenya said even if Mwaleza cried her a river, she was limited to only imposing the mandatory sentence of five years. “There’s nothing I can do once I convict, this offense carries a minimum mandatory sentence of five years. I hereby sentence you to five years imprisonment. Your police bond is revoked you have 14 days to appeal the case is closed,”ordered magistrate Mwenya. As sh
