@heavenlyhomeschool: Replying to @Heartyaerie Is it true that homeschoolers can get their associates degree before they graduate? If you would have asked me this five years ago, I would have said that it would be very difficult or an exceptional situation for this to happen. But now that we have been homeschooling and have been exposed to so many different groups and families with older kids who have successfully graduated with their associates degrees, it has become very clear that this is actually very common for homeschoolers. But how is this possible? Well, for one you have to remember that when you homeschool, you are in charge of the pace and the schedule. So if I want my daughter to do both six and seventh grade math in one year, we are able to do that! If she is showing that she is ready to take algebra before she gets into high school, we can make that happen. You also have to remember that homeschooling only takes a couple hours each day which leaves a lot of space in the schedule for homeschooling students to go take classes at the local community college! Versus public school students who have to be in school all day for a certain amount of hours and then find time for extracurriculars after school. Community colleges will accept homeschoolers in the exact same way that they accept public schooled kids. You simply provide them with the transcripts, proving that your child has completed the coursework in the homeschool, and they can take a college placement test at the college to prove their knowledge, and then they can enroll in college level courses! #homeschool #homeschooltips #homeschooldegree #howtohomeschool #homeschoolvspublicschool #homeschoolgraduation #homeschooladvice #starthomeschooling #homeschoolteacher #homeschoolmom
Jess✨Heavenly Homeschool
Region: US
Wednesday 31 July 2024 01:04:27 GMT
turboamber :
Can you talk about homeschool options for working moms? I see so many SAHM that homeschool and that's not feasible for our family currently.
2024-07-31 16:55:24
bethhomeschoolingmom :
Everyone is allowed to change their opinion either way. That’s what I love about homeschool!
2024-08-01 04:47:25
Hanging with Hunny :
Teacher changed homeschool teacher here (I teach my grands 🥰)! Preach it sister 🙌🏼
2024-08-03 21:19:33
JennyT :
I did not have a college bound kiddo, but trade on the job training he is flourishing and excelling beyond I could ever imagine! I am so proud of him. he skipped 7th and graduated a year early! while
2024-07-31 03:02:00
That Encouraging Mama :
Teacher changed homeschool teacher here too! Me too girl, me too!
2024-08-12 21:06:22
Christy•Witchy Homemaker🍄✨ :
I actually really like that you were against homeschooling at first! I was the same way. never thought I'd be a homeschool mom (though looking back it makes sense😂) & now I couldn't imagine another
2024-07-31 15:41:51
Miranda :
And many of us (in my group of friends) that dual enrolled in HS for our associates went on for our bachelors or higher! Our local community college had so many opportunities for the homeschooled kids
2024-07-31 02:45:15
Laura :
2024-08-03 21:16:48
hullabaloodiaries :
This! Former teacher here. Homeschooling my 4 year old.
2024-08-01 17:40:35
CrabbyAbby :
If I do LA grade 2 will I need to do reading level 2? My daughter is switching from TGATB to CLE and is behind on LA but is fine with reading. She’ll be in third grade this year
2024-07-31 21:28:26
Liturgical Littles :
The flexibility of homeschooling upper grades is one of the biggest advantages imo. Kids who have specific interests and goals don’t have to wait to pursue them in the same way
2024-07-31 13:03:44
Kelly_RDH, OMT :
My new neighbor is a HS math teacher and she was offended I said I was homeschooling my daughter. YOU are the force behind me standing up for myself and my daughter 🥰🥰
2024-07-31 01:21:04
Autumn 🩵🩵 :
this is my first year and today was our first day and it was a little bit of a struggle. He is third grade, but I don’t think he is realizing how much more free time he has! i’m excited for him
2024-07-31 01:19:36
nicolehendrix505 :
I was homeschooled 6-11th (senior was a college prep school). then taught public school for 4 years at MS level. we homeschool now because no way will I subject my kids to what public has become
2024-08-09 21:13:21
rachel.doremi :
Everyone I’ve ever met that has homeschooled started their kids in public school. As a public school grad, current tutor & substitute, I advocate for what is best for each individual child
2024-08-05 05:08:54
Kelsey|Faith & Family :
I love this! 4th year and thriving 🫶🏼🙌🏼
2024-07-31 16:17:59
ju5tan0thertiktokuser :
Former public school teacher here.
Starting our 12th yr hs-ing this yr! Launched my oldest to a full time job instead of college, my other 2 now both in high school are on the college track.
2024-07-31 13:15:57
shauneegardner :
My first year homeschooling. My girl is 5. We’ll be doing kindergarten. Would you suggest every subject every day? Or alternating subjects & days ?
2024-07-31 03:39:26
Mom&KidsTreasures :
I saw you said where your kids get along.. I want to homeschool but my girls fight all the time. They’re 4 and 6 🤪 I worry for everyone’s sanity lol.
2024-07-31 01:27:59
angelamiller208 :
Times are Changing..But what's so refreshing about you is your balance and openness.Any child in your classroom is very Lucky . Looks like the shingles is all healed up .Continued Blessings 🙏
2024-07-31 01:17:02
Jess :
I was strongly considering homeschooling last year (1st grade) and spoke with the teacher about it (Doctorate and old school teacher) she strongly advised against it, lied to me about how my daughter
2024-08-13 18:41:20
Quaint Prints Boutique :
Can you create a video explaining how homeschoolers can get their associates degree early? I have no idea how this works 🤗
2024-08-09 22:28:37
Alicia: Vegan Homeschool Mom :
2024-08-01 07:08:55
Kaylie Danford :
@Jess | Heavenly Homeschool How did you become apart of a co-op in different states? I think I’d love that!🩷
2024-07-31 03:26:45
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