@courtneybb04: It’s not your circumstances but your thoughts about those circumstances that create your reality. I am by no means a vocal artist but the other day I was out for a walk with my 2 babies at the end of a particularly rough day and had the original version of this song stuck in my head. I was singing it over and over and over throughout my entire walk. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE that song and have belted it with Jelly Roll many times as the tears flow, allowing my emotions to run their course. But the words we speak to oursleves and the thoughts we choose create our results and in this particular moment, I needed to speak peace and encouragement to myself. So I came up with these few lines impromptu and sang them out loud to myself for the rest of my walk and I felt so much better by the time I got home. Be careful the thoughts you are choosing my friends 🫶🏻 #millenialmom #momof5 #postpartumanxiety #postpartumjourney