OMG I think I swear too much because I just searched mine and I have a wopping 279 😳 Thank God it’s only a draft because what the…
2024-09-01 18:05:10
Kristen | fantasy author :
I think mine is at 84 for the f word in 525 pages but I’m going through a rewrite now 😬🤭😅
2024-09-08 23:03:20
Mr. Chris :
does crap, damn, or hell count?
2024-09-05 04:31:22
RR Elkins :
Enough to make my mom say “that’s a lot of bad words.”
2024-08-01 09:28:47
Natalia Nicole 📚 :
55 fifty-five fucks!!! 😂😎
2024-08-01 04:47:28
Chara Robin Jame :
My MC has a mouth on him and I tried to silence him, but trying to come up with words more creative than "F**KEROO!" wasn't possible for me, so y'know... I'm gonna have so many in the final draft.