@sports_migu: 领先两局的有利条件下被#樊振东上演大逆转,#张本智和在接受日媒采访时表示:“在奥运舞台能与中国队打出这样精彩的比赛,这是在东京奥运会没做到的,确实自己也很享受比赛,再努力4年下次或许能触及奖牌!” Despite leading by two sets, he was dramatically overturned by #FanZhendong. In an interview with Japanese media, #Tomokazu said, "Being able to play such an exciting match against the Chinese team on the Olympic stage is something I couldn't achieve at the Tokyo Olympics. I truly enjoyed the match, and I will work hard for another four years. Maybe next time, I can reach for a medal!" #Paris2024 #Olympics