@bts_lighting: Here is a blowout of our Alpha Series Lighting Glass is Class Watermelon Lights. Link to Product: https://www.btslighting.com/alpha-ser... The Glass is Class watermelon lights offer a specially designed venting channel system using GORE breather patches to ensure a moisture free operation. A water tight design means no water gets in, and any condensation accumulated from inside is quickly dissipated. This innovative design allows for the seamless dissipation of heat, allowing for a high powered bulb to be used for maximum output while avoiding the dreaded "cracked lens." Due to temperature variances between ambient temps and the internal light temps, pressure and vacuums can build inside the light. The vented channeling system allows for these pressure variances to be dealt with easily without compromised durability. #glassisclass #chickenlightsandchrome #largecar #leftlanegang #owneroperator