@weird.psycho_bliss: #tiktoklesotho🇱🇸🇱🇸🇱🇸 #tiktoksouthafrica🇿🇦 #fyp #tiktoknamibia🇳🇦 #tiktokbotswana🇧🇼🇧🇼

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Region: ZA
Saturday 10 August 2024 10:28:26 GMT




thee Rosemary :
She can sing and dance. Dineo indeed ♥️
2024-08-10 11:38:40
❤💯✌Rejoyce lee 🫂❤ :
ur voice 👌♥️♥️
2024-08-10 11:45:08
Elenoir_Mosikili :
2024-08-28 19:20:00
sphesihle🥺🇦🇲 :
sheba your voice is giving 😭🔥🔥
2024-08-12 22:03:44
Rose :
🤭baby girl 🥰🥰🥰🥰
2024-08-26 17:21:13
Ampfarisaho :
that voice 🥺❤️
2024-08-12 06:01:46
mother of girls :
my favorite
2024-08-19 19:14:46
Dabula :
🥰🥰🥰🥰you have nice voice iyooooh 😘😘
2024-08-17 22:59:25
sky Ria :
Ur voice eyyy🥰
2024-10-20 19:21:05
Kgaugelo🤍🌸 :
2024-08-10 13:22:55
3mokgolo 🌄simba4 :
wow you have a great voice 💜💜
2024-08-12 15:31:51
Darling The Pandemic :
💚voice 100%🥺
2024-09-06 07:17:17
preciouspooe :
Love your voice 🙏🏽❤️💯
2024-08-17 12:31:39
Mokhonyofu zitha ka zitho :
🥰🥰🥰🥰Your voice
2024-08-31 05:37:18
Favour is my name 🙌🏼🙏🏼 :
Angelic voice🥰🥰🥰🥰
2024-08-24 20:47:51
Nathabonya by Tsholo :
🥰🥺that voice
2024-08-10 22:40:56
makgoshi :
beautiful nana🥰
2024-08-25 16:35:41
MissPitsoNC :
What a morning
2024-09-03 06:50:54
Motaung Mojalefa :
Our beyonce🥰
2024-08-11 04:00:08
lelodeey :
2024-08-29 11:39:04
Fifi_refiloe10 :
voice eo 👌👌
2024-08-10 11:10:05
mini me :
Sheba 🥺🥺🥺 I'm in tears
2024-08-24 14:15:12
Thokozile M :
Your voice 😭😭😭😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥
2024-08-20 00:21:34
Lady_T :
my first time seeing you serious🥰
2024-08-28 15:27:13
BontleBee :
kante you can sing😅😅
2024-08-30 13:10:55
To see more videos from user @weird.psycho_bliss, please go to the Tikwm homepage.

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USAI. thank you to all the players for the worked hard and are willing to fight for the flag on their chest✊ also speedy recovery for several athletes🥹 mgkn buat indonesia ini sejarah yg jelek, mulai dr mental pemain kita ga beres, mau nonton siaran badminton di tv aja harus nunggu pemain indo main🥲 iya itu BADMINTON. cabor lain jg smp saat ini gada tuh ditayangin, entahlah emtek grup ini biding buat apa? kalo ga nayangin. streaming?? harus langganan premium dulu baru bisa nonton haha, pemerintah jg knp ga ikut biding biar tvri bisa nayangin full pertandingan, sekelas olimpiade loh kek gada euforia nya🙄 bhkn negara tetangga aja free akses loh dan lebih lengkap😏 panahan hampir bgt tembus semifinal tp apa dikehendak rejekinya cuma smp qf, jorji dpt bronze jg rasanya nano²😭  smg abis ini pbsi bener² berbenah bukan
USAI. thank you to all the players for the worked hard and are willing to fight for the flag on their chest✊ also speedy recovery for several athletes🥹 mgkn buat indonesia ini sejarah yg jelek, mulai dr mental pemain kita ga beres, mau nonton siaran badminton di tv aja harus nunggu pemain indo main🥲 iya itu BADMINTON. cabor lain jg smp saat ini gada tuh ditayangin, entahlah emtek grup ini biding buat apa? kalo ga nayangin. streaming?? harus langganan premium dulu baru bisa nonton haha, pemerintah jg knp ga ikut biding biar tvri bisa nayangin full pertandingan, sekelas olimpiade loh kek gada euforia nya🙄 bhkn negara tetangga aja free akses loh dan lebih lengkap😏 panahan hampir bgt tembus semifinal tp apa dikehendak rejekinya cuma smp qf, jorji dpt bronze jg rasanya nano²😭 smg abis ini pbsi bener² berbenah bukan "kejang-kejang, kasiyan dech loh" bila perlu ketum dan ketua hariannya mundur. pembatasan ranking buat non pelatnas jg harus di hapus, pelapis kita dikasi jam terbang ikut pertandingan bukannya diperem di pelatnas, kita bukan china bro yg kualitas pemainnya top even pemain tarkam. kalo ada atlet yg cedera jg harus bener² dikasi treatment terbaik, misal harus diadakan operasi ya dioperasi bukannya dibiarin aja yg bikin performa atletnya drop sbb struggle dg cedera tsb. sekali operasi ehh pake duit pemainnya sendiri🫣 giliran atletnya speak up disuruh hapus🥴KOCAK. buat media, tolonglah ga ush pilih² match, mending nayangin olahraga dibanding sinetron ga jelas. lagian lu nayangin sinetron jg ga mendongkrak rating kan. masa iya menuju indonesia emas tontonan penerusnya sinetron🗿 INDONESIA cEMAS yg ada wkwk buat pemerintah, tolong sediain fasilitas buat semua atlet tanpa pandang bulu. gamalu kah? disenggol bbrp atlet di interview media luar, dikasih fasilitas seadanya bahkan bbrp atlet pake duit sendiri buat operasional. ga rugi juga invest besar²an di olahraga, toh kalo berprestasi bisa tarik wisatawan buat dtg ke indonesia misal kita lg jd house pertandingan. jgn bisanya pansos masang baliho besar disaat atlet menang doang. MALU 270jt penduduk tp pas olimpiade yg ikut kurang dari 50 atlet, cabornya itu² mulu lagi. ga minat kah serius di cabor atletik, renang sm gimnastik? pdhl tu cabor byk bgt medali nya loh, yg terbaru atlet Filipina aja dpt 2 emas dr cabang senam. sekian. kiranya mohon maaf kalo ada kata kasar🙏 cuma mengeluarkan unek² aja sm pemerintah yg bodo amat sm atlet yg ada di negara ini🥲 peluk erat buat semua atlet yg ttp berjuang utk negara dg fasilitas seadanya, smg pemerintah cpt melek🫂🥹 #badminton #badmintonindonesia #badmintonplayers #athlete #timindonesia #indonesia #olympics #paris2024 #fyp
On March 12, 2011, a manager arrived in the morning to find the door unlocked, merchandise strewn across the floor, and mannequins in disarray.She could hear someone moaning near the back of the store. Frightened, she asked a man outside to help her search the store. He found Jayna Murray lying dead in a back hallway, face down in a pool of blood, with a ligature around her neck. Brittany Norwood was found in the bathroom, apparently semi-conscious, with zipties binding her wrists and ankles and blood on her face.Bloody footprints were tracked through the store. Norwood told police that after she and Murray had closed the store the previous evening, she realized that she had forgotten her wallet and called Murray to let her back into the store. Alarm records showed that the door was unlocked at 10:05 pm.Then, according to Norwood, two men wearing dark clothing and ski masks entered the store, attacked them, and sexually assaulted them. While police initially treated Norwood as a victim, it soon became clear that the evidence did not support her account.Murray had been savagely attacked, sustaining at least 331 wounds from at least five different weapons, including a knife and a hammer, which may have come from a toolbox in the store. Norwood's injuries were relatively minor, and appeared to be consistent with self-inflicted wounds Norwood was arrested a week after the slaying, and charged with first-degree murder.Statements by police officials and testimony during the trial indicated that on the evening of the murder, Murray and Norwood checked each others' bags for unpaid merchandise, a routine security procedure at Lululemon and other retail stores.Murray found a pair of pants in Norwood's bag. and called their manager after she left the store.The manager said she would deal with it in the morning.  A few minutes later, Norwood called Murray to say she'd forgotten something, and asked Murray to return to the store and let her in.When Murray arrived, Norwood attacked her, moved her car, then staged the scene to look like a robbery. Norwood put on a pair of men's shoes to track blood across the floor; tossing mops, broom, and chairs around the store; and finally cut herself, binding her own wrists and ankles with zipties. On January 27, 2012, Norwood was sentenced to life in prison for first degree murder.She is now at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women.#lululemon
On March 12, 2011, a manager arrived in the morning to find the door unlocked, merchandise strewn across the floor, and mannequins in disarray.She could hear someone moaning near the back of the store. Frightened, she asked a man outside to help her search the store. He found Jayna Murray lying dead in a back hallway, face down in a pool of blood, with a ligature around her neck. Brittany Norwood was found in the bathroom, apparently semi-conscious, with zipties binding her wrists and ankles and blood on her face.Bloody footprints were tracked through the store. Norwood told police that after she and Murray had closed the store the previous evening, she realized that she had forgotten her wallet and called Murray to let her back into the store. Alarm records showed that the door was unlocked at 10:05 pm.Then, according to Norwood, two men wearing dark clothing and ski masks entered the store, attacked them, and sexually assaulted them. While police initially treated Norwood as a victim, it soon became clear that the evidence did not support her account.Murray had been savagely attacked, sustaining at least 331 wounds from at least five different weapons, including a knife and a hammer, which may have come from a toolbox in the store. Norwood's injuries were relatively minor, and appeared to be consistent with self-inflicted wounds Norwood was arrested a week after the slaying, and charged with first-degree murder.Statements by police officials and testimony during the trial indicated that on the evening of the murder, Murray and Norwood checked each others' bags for unpaid merchandise, a routine security procedure at Lululemon and other retail stores.Murray found a pair of pants in Norwood's bag. and called their manager after she left the store.The manager said she would deal with it in the morning. A few minutes later, Norwood called Murray to say she'd forgotten something, and asked Murray to return to the store and let her in.When Murray arrived, Norwood attacked her, moved her car, then staged the scene to look like a robbery. Norwood put on a pair of men's shoes to track blood across the floor; tossing mops, broom, and chairs around the store; and finally cut herself, binding her own wrists and ankles with zipties. On January 27, 2012, Norwood was sentenced to life in prison for first degree murder.She is now at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women.#lululemon
